Best Thread Interactive Brokers

Is there nobody interested in lumber

Obviously not and you are the only person I have come across who wants to trade this. If there are not enough people trading it then IB wont list it but I wish you good luck.

Hi, I wish to ask a few questions about IB, sorry if they have been asked before but 146 pages a tad long for me to read it all.

I am Uk based and wish to do various things, listed below, trading short term, medium and long.

a, may I purchase USA & Uk shares with IB and retain the shares long term including recieving dividends that come with the company? if so how would that work? I wish to be non leveraged on these purchases. For my long term portfolio.

b, May I have a non-leveraged account and only trade with the cash that is in the IB account? and then also have a leveraged account seperate from the non-leveraged account as mentioned above.

c, Can I lose more than my deposited cash with IB in a volitile market. To what extent will my liabilitees be?
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Can someone from IB please tell me how much commission will it cost me to sell 10 contracts of call option in QQQQ including buying back the 10 contracts as well (round trip).

Forget to say that I have the same 1000 QQQQ for more than 6 years. It means the "selling call" is covered without the need buying the stock in terms of calculating commissions.

I have not used my IB account in a long time and I am unable to access it, now. There is an error between my user name and password, although I was reasonably sure that it is correct. Any attempt to communicate with them on my part requires this combination so its like hitting a stone wall. They tell me that there is no correlation between username, password or email address so do not want to know me.

I am hoping that an IB official reads this post and will help me out.

reply to nine

2. dodge, you are a risk to IB and other customers. Derivatives are not by their existence a risk and a trader who understands them and trades with controlled risk is not a problem (the banks didn't understand their risks and didn't manage them). A stock trader with margin is still a risk. If you buy XX and hold it in a down market until its using up your entire account then get a 7% down day you will get a margin call. If many of you get one, and a percentage refuse to pay then IB will have problems ... which will affect the rest of us.

More broker blowups have been caused by customers hit by margin calls on stocks than by derivative traders experiencing the equivalent (trading into negative equity).

I don't want to trade on margin! I specifically indicated no borrowing, no derivatives. Just plain old cash, bonds and shares. There is no way I could owe more than the value of my portfolio. So they are a risk to me and not the other way around.

What's really unbelievable is that IB are so arrogant that they don't even bother replying to customer's questions. Evidently they have so much money, that they don't care less. I would hate to be involved in a dispute with IB if their was cash at stake. I have had many accounts at various financial insitutions, but IB have by far the worst customer service.
I don't know whether this is a reasonable place in which to raise this query but here goes.

I'm experimenting with ETF strategies in order to diversify away from futures. I've been looking at IB's S&P ETF's, specifically beta ETF's. I've found a candidate ETF (RSU) witha beta of 2.0 but I think that's too high for the strategy I'm considering. Can anyone point me towards an IB tradeable ETF with a beta closer to 1.5?

Hi all,

This maybe a dumb question but as i understand it interactive brokers european account holders have their accounts held by citigroup gmbh.
Worrying about a black swan type incident,if citi went bust or insolvent or whatever, what happens to your IB trading account funds held by citigroup?

I have not used my IB account in a long time and I am unable to access it, now. There is an error between my user name and password, although I was reasonably sure that it is correct. Any attempt to communicate with them on my part requires this combination so its like hitting a stone wall. They tell me that there is no correlation between username, password or email address so do not want to know me.

I am hoping that an IB official reads this post and will help me out.


Gleaned from a post in Jan. 2006 in this thread "For other general inquires, our London office is 020 7 776 7800."
Hi all,

This maybe a dumb question but as i understand it interactive brokers european account holders have their accounts held by citigroup gmbh.
Worrying about a black swan type incident,if citi went bust or insolvent or whatever, what happens to your IB trading account funds held by citigroup?

Your funds may be wired into Citigroup but that doesn't mean they remain there. IB distributes client funds amongst a number of banks to limit exposure. More info can be found here on the safety of funds:

"Additionally, we limit customer exposure through the following credit policies:

Keeping investments in highly liquid, short-term instruments.
Distributing client funds among a variety of banks and counterparties to avoid concentrated exposure to any single counterparty.
Rigorous analysis by our Credit Committee of Counterparty Financial Conditions as well as review of risk factors prior to permitting investment activity with or via any counterparty.
SIPP Administrator/Trustee to work with IB

Mr Perez or def,

1) Could you kindly provide us with a list of SIPP administrators/trustees that you work with.

2) Has IB any plans to become an ISA plan manager i.e offer a stocks and shares ISA account. I feel sure if you did you would absolutely "clean up" in this lucrative market.(Maybe one or two other members would like to express their interest in this)?

Dear IB and anyone elso who wants to contribute.

I use TWS and I know how to place bracket orders related to an entry ORDER.

I would like to know if it is possible to add bracket orders related to an existing POSITION?

I'm especially interested to know if this is possible in the Book-Trader module.

Thank you!
Lumber is a nasty market anyway ... why not trade something with a bit of liquidity that doesn't tend to have lock limit days. Perhaps IB doesn't want the joy of customers whining when they get locked into a lumber contract and its sucking their blood day after day while they wait to get out?
There are now also the lumber options to limit the risk.

Maybe i have to open a competition: the 1000nd voter gets a trip New-York to Paris?