Best Thread Interactive Brokers

Is anybody having trouble with IB today?

Can't log in to TWS, website won't download... as a matter of fact several US based sites are down (as far as I am concerned).

Internet problem?

PS I'm in Cheltenham

I had a problem with loading some sites a while ago. Turned out it was ZoneAlarm. If you still have a problem, try stopping your firewall to access the site.


TWS Sim' Trading isn't working - AGAIN.
This is at least the 5th time it's happened. The very pleasant tech' support people in Switzerland say the same thing each time I phone them: paper trading accounts have low priority, so they don't know if/when the problem will be fixed. Very irritating.
Could someone with an IB a/c based in the UK do me a quick favour please? : Log into a/c management, go to User Management and then Password, and then click on "Request Confirm". Theoretically you will then receive an email with a token ID on it pretty much instantly - though you don't actually have to change your password - and I'd like to know if it shows up.

I'm not receiving these emails (though I get all other emails from IB) and I'm currently locked in a battle of wills with one of IB's highly trained operatives who appears to think I'm making the whole thing up for a laff. I have a desperate but tragically unfulfilled need to change my password, and perhaps if someone else has the same problem as me (or not) it would provide a vital clue.

Many thanks! I'll happily send a pint of Stella in a jiffy bag to whomsoever sees fit to help me out.
Could someone with an IB a/c based in the UK do me a quick favour please? : Log into a/c management, go to User Management and then Password, and then click on "Request Confirm". Theoretically you will then receive an email with a token ID on it pretty much instantly - though you don't actually have to change your password - and I'd like to know if it shows up.

I'm not receiving these emails (though I get all other emails from IB) and I'm currently locked in a battle of wills with one of IB's highly trained operatives who appears to think I'm making the whole thing up for a laff. I have a desperate but tragically unfulfilled need to change my password, and perhaps if someone else has the same problem as me (or not) it would provide a vital clue.

Many thanks! I'll happily send a pint of Stella in a jiffy bag to whomsoever sees fit to help me out.

Yes, they sent me an E-mail with token. You're not putting their valuable emails straight into a trash can are you ?

You're not putting their valuable emails straight into a trash can are you ?

Weeellll, that's clearly what IB think, but my ISP assures me that they don't filter anything and I don't have any filters on my Outlook Express. Plus I get all other emails from them (statement notifications, withdrawal tokens etc.) no problem. It's a mystery, but thanks for helping.
no data

no trading😏

what's up tonight????????????/


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Problems all around. No quotes for over an hour 👎
See also IB Status Page:
Current System Status

I was an IB client and found their personnel, in London, very helpful and good to deal with. Unfortunately, I found their TWS platform a nightmare to use and, as a result, was using TSim+. When IB upgraded TWS, TSim+ would no longer work. I found it incredible that a company of this size had not developed a front end. Surely, the fact that there are 3 or more companies promoting front end software, for IB, should have sent a loud and clear message to them.

I gave up trading a couple of years ago but, am ready to start again. I haven't had the chance to read all the posts in this thread but, from what I have seen, not much has changed at IB (including loss of data feed). Can anyone recommend a futures trading broker that has a simple trading platform AND reliable real time data?
Actually, IB's platform has been very stable. Their charting, though, is right up there with their support - absolute rubbish ! I use QuoteTracker with IB datafeed. It's free or $7/month without ads and the charting is great. The problem comes if you use tick data as IB does not send through every trade. They now have something called BookTrader which looks a bit domey but I haven't tried it myself.

Infinity is supposed to be a very good broker.

By the way, I don't know what it will be like now, but the CBOT used to go down regularly.

I was an IB client and found their personnel, in London, very helpful and good to deal with. Unfortunately, I found their TWS platform a nightmare to use and, as a result, was using TSim+. When IB upgraded TWS, TSim+ would no longer work. I found it incredible that a company of this size had not developed a front end. Surely, the fact that there are 3 or more companies promoting front end software, for IB, should have sent a loud and clear message to them.

I gave up trading a couple of years ago but, am ready to start again. I haven't had the chance to read all the posts in this thread but, from what I have seen, not much has changed at IB (including loss of data feed). Can anyone recommend a futures trading broker that has a simple trading platform AND reliable real time data?

I haven't been a longtime customer from IB, so perhaps anybody else can shed a light on their reliability in general over a sustained period of time. Outages like yesterday evening really shouldn't occur... The problem is there is hardly ever any feedback about what caused the problem or what the odds are of having it come up again next week or month or so. Customers should at least be kept apprised on what's done to prevent this from happening again.
Their reliability is normally very good (bar a week last year where the US servers had a problem possibly due to too much growth). I trade with them and use their data as an input to Sierra Chart - trading is near 100%, data serving has had the odd glitch mainly on backfill not real time.

The odds of these faults returning are low. They are also pretty much unpredictable because they are computer/comms system faults that, once fixed shouldn't reoccur at least until some new flaw in the redundancy/system is exposed by some weird combination of events and single/multiple unit failures. Also, with the big US one they couldn't tell how long it would take to be free of it because these faults are genuinely complex and hard to be certain you are totally clear of them until you are clear ... a little like cutting out cancer except you know that it will eventually work.

I trade of the HK server and have only ever had a problem when a Typhoon arrived. Its about 18 months since I had an outage that wasn't due to my local internet (maybe 30 months ... I really don't recall).

Edit Note: I never have data missing with Sierra Chart collecting real time from IB TWS. There are sometimes backfill issues which require reattempts but live data is fine as long as the internet is fine.
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Their reliability is normally very good (bar a week last year where the US servers had a problem possibly due to too much growth). I trade with them and use their data as an input to Sierra Chart - trading is near 100%, data serving has had the odd glitch mainly on backfill not real time.

The odds of these faults returning are low. They are also pretty much unpredictable because they are computer/comms system faults that, once fixed shouldn't reoccur at least until some new flaw in the redundancy/system is exposed by some weird combination of events and single/multiple unit failures. Also, with the big US one they couldn't tell how long it would take to be free of it because these faults are genuinely complex and hard to be certain you are totally clear of them until you are clear ... a little like cutting out cancer except you know that it will eventually work.

I trade of the HK server and have only ever had a problem when a Typhoon arrived. Its about 18 months since I had an outage that wasn't due to my local internet (maybe 30 months ... I really don't recall).

When I traded, previously I switched to Quote Tracker with DTN IQ data feed, because I often had bits of data missing from IB's feed. This made it really difficult to follow true price action and get accurate readings from tech indicators. Does anyone know whether TSim+ has been updated to be compatible with the present version of TWS? Thanks
When I traded, previously I switched to Quote Tracker with DTN IQ data feed, because I often had bits of data missing from IB's feed. This made it really difficult to follow true price action and get accurate readings from tech indicators. Does anyone know whether TSim+ has been updated to be compatible with the present version of TWS? Thanks

Why not send an email to Tsim, the author used to post on this forum and was always very helpful.

Why not send an email to Tsim, the author used to post on this forum and was always very helpful.


I tried calling IB's London office, this afternoon at 3pm. The voicemail boxes on all extensions were full and there was nobody available to take my call. What sort of service is this?
Phone the US number which is the one I always use for IB. That said I am not sure what calling IB has to do with Tsim which is a standalone trading application written by a T2W member who has nothing to do with IB ?

Phone the US number which is the one I always use for IB. That said I am not sure what calling IB has to do with Tsim which is a standalone trading application written by a T2W member who has nothing to do with IB ?


The reason why I wanted to speak to IB was to find out whether one of their software masterminds has, after all these years, managed to create one click trading (a la TSim+). Why should I have to phone the USA at 3pm GMT when they have a London office?

I'm quite well aware that TSim+ is nothing to do with IB. I used it for many months. However, their last upgrade (2.4.0) is dated 6th Dec 2005, compatible with TWS 8.71. IB are now on version 9.40.
Why should I have to phone the USA at 3pm GMT when they have a London office?

You don't, I was just trying to help you out and it is much quicker and easier to call the US after all it is only 1p a minute.

I'm quite well aware that TSim+ is nothing to do with IB. I used it for many months. However, their last upgrade (2.4.0) is dated 6th Dec 2005, compatible with TWS 8.71. IB are now on version 9.40.

Like I said have you emailed and asked ?
