Interactive Brokers real-time feed limitation?



"Do not make more than 60 historical data requests in any ten-minute period" - it's only for historical?

Its not for real-time data feed?

Can i sent 100 data requests (100 tickers subscriptions) and get immediately 100 data feed? (or for example 300, using "Quote Booster")

I really can buy two Booster Quote, and get 300 realtime tickers at the same time, by the beginning of the trading session 300 requests simultaneously to the server?

And I don't have to divide those 300 requests 60 requests every 10 minutes?

Of course, I'm talking about the API, but will be glad of any information...
That specific limitation applies only to the historical data.
Thanks for the reply!!!

Do You use API? I'm writing a program in C#. And can't get more than 60 data feed for 10 minutes. And it's not historical... I use reqRealTimeBars(). And at 61 get a request code 420
"Invalid Real-time Query:Historical data request pacing violation"

it's funny... Query "Real-time", but the pacing violation error - "Historical data"... what am I doing wrong?
Sorry for the mistakes, I badly know English language 🙂 IB provides either a tick or candle s5. My trading strategy - analysis of 300 securities. For my program and my computer to receive and process the ticks on 300 securities - a difficult task. So I get candles s5. But the IB limit of 60 requests per 10 minutes is counterproductive. I have run my program for 33 minutes before the start of trading (to connect yet 200 securities). And send the request subscription to 30 securities in 5 minutes. if i send all 60 requests simultaneously, the server goes to sleep and forgets my subscription. Pause between requests not more than 8 minutes, the server has a "short memory" 🙂 And if the connection will be interrupted, have to waste a half hour of the trading session. I can't interrupt the program, to make changes as I lose the subscription and have to wait again 30 minutes. Besides, I need the minimum and maximum days for each securities. If the connection breaks, or I close the program, I lose the ability to follow the market and don't know the minimum and maximum of the day. And separately IB does not receive this information. I suggest that those who receive the ticks, do not have a limit of 60 requests in 10 minutes. But I don't want to get ticks 🙂 As I understand it, this restriction (60 per 10) does not affect trading volume, account size, or quote boosters... 🙁