Z index FTSE100
Does anybody else have problems with IB's real-time FTSE100 feed Z ?
For about a month now, this real time feed has been rubbish.
It doesn't appear at all in a TWS window which shows a "Close" all day long and doesn't agree with numbers from elsewhere.
The historic data (Z - 1 min) pumps put some data on connection but doesn't tick at all for hours.
I've used this primary underlying data as the senior UK index for years and it has been solid.
They have been told but no fix after 2 weeks. I'm rather rattled.
Am I missing a trick here?
Does anybody else have problems with IB's real-time FTSE100 feed Z ?
For about a month now, this real time feed has been rubbish.
It doesn't appear at all in a TWS window which shows a "Close" all day long and doesn't agree with numbers from elsewhere.
The historic data (Z - 1 min) pumps put some data on connection but doesn't tick at all for hours.
I've used this primary underlying data as the senior UK index for years and it has been solid.
They have been told but no fix after 2 weeks. I'm rather rattled.
Am I missing a trick here?