Insider Information - Level playing field.

ukdaytrader, say you started with 30,000, and then traded it to 35,000, and then it dropped down to 33,000, then your account decreased 2,000, right? Maybe then you took it 55,000, and then it decreased to 50,000 where it is now, say. A decrease of 5,000. Look at the history of your trades. Can you tell what the largest decrease was (in my example 5,000) for your system?
Over what period of time ? ?

The largest decrease for a day ...... is today. I'm down around £3k with some shorting on the S&P at 150USD a point !
Over what period of time ? ?

The largest decrease for a day ...... is today. I'm down around £3k with some shorting on the S&P at 150USD a point !
Then I'm going to suggest you're f'ked beyond belief.

Your stats in your post above are totally unreliable. In that post you stated your max losing trade was 1597.87 and your average loss was 210.01. How the f'ck does this stack up against a 3K loss today?

Seems to me your risk management is non-existent, your strategy completely unstructured and your time-to-destruction fairly imminent.

This is nothing to do with insider information and everything to do with no information inside.
yes the risk management process fell apart due to a mixture of excitement, greed and overconfidence and stupidity.

Its happened a few times before and you are right, if these ad hoc incidences happen regular there is a high chance of losing all my money. Its something I need to get to grips with.

I need to be more controlled on my trading approach, it seems to happen when I have a run of good days and increase both the size of the risk.
I pretty sure there is substantial insider trading going does not leave a level playing field.

Today for example before the consumer announcement in the US the markets started rising (after it had been down all day).

Im pretty sure people trade on the back of information that is not released to everyone at the same time.

Kind of p**** me off as it means that this just is not a level playing field at all.

These regulators are just s**t they catch no one. I bet there are people at the national statistics office trading on information and there are probably no regulatory compliance in place as well.

For information the S&P rose from 880 to 887 15minutes before the announcement. That means 7 less points for everyone else.

it rose from 880 to 887 cos just prior Apple announced better than expected profits..........and not because someone had inside info
What Was THAT? (Friday Market Close) - The Market Ticker

I just rest my case, massive market manipulation going on.

And today it rose prior to the announcement..........surely apple didn't announce better than expected profits again ?

Tell you what, if Denninger was as wealthy and well connected as, for example, Hank Paulson he'd say fook all and simply hoover up the cash, he's a sad bitter tw@t who's always on the outside and way behind the curve...

I don't know where you're headed with this thread, or the other one you have 'running on idle', the spike on the DOW has happened so many time at the end of day/week/month I'm surprised more aren't ready for it instead of 'out on the town' getting bladdered. Don't fight it, embrace it and be ready for it next time you bleating tw@t...🙂


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Well I got an As8 whipping from this yes, its lack of experience - something I will watch out for together with the pre-announcement insider trading that goes on.

The point really here to note (more for myself ) is that

you can make money watching for the pre-announcement movements as long as you are in an out quick and there is a definite market direction.

And also not to trade a few hours before announcements or exit them if I am over exposed.

Avoid end of month positions / trading

And finally the tips on the trade2win board are profitable.
Here's some inside information everyone may want to know.
Sometime this week the market will go up then go back down, possibly even go back up again. Please don't tell too many traders or my method of "speculating the spikes" may not work anymore.

Is this supposed be another tip like the apple shares ? It needs to be a little clearer. Like is it going to go up or down or at least when it will go up / down ?
Here's some inside information everyone may want to know.
Sometime this week the market will go up then go back down, possibly even go back up again. Please don't tell too many traders or my method of "speculating the spikes" may not work anymore.


Can you give me an EA for your method please?

expecting mistress to cum/come? vs selling wife to an arab..

Insider trading is big business and it is systematic. People can become billionaires on Wall street.

I used to get tips on message boards before news releases ,the source of these releases were city insiders.

Inside Trading Becomes ‘Systemic’ at Hedge Funds, Khuzami Says

Galleon paid banks millions for ‘edge’

The Galleon hedge fund at the centre of an insider trading scandal paid hundreds of millions of dollars a year to its Wall Street banks and in return regularly received market information that would not have been disclosed to most investors, executives familiar with the matter say.