Informed Trades - Dave Waring - Videos


Senior member
For anyone who is not aware of them, there are a whole load of useful introductory trading videos on U-Tube by a guy called David Waring, under the name of "Informed Trades". His site is InformedTrades: Free Stocks, Forex, Gold Trading Learning & Education and I believe the videos and more are freely available there (I've only looked at them via Utube so far). Seems to cover all the basics and maybe some stuff that is more than basic.
I've found the Informed Trades videos very useful. The forums look interesting too, and I'm looking at whether the Prorealtime charting would be a better bet than ADVFN for real-time data and charts.
I can personally vouch for Informed Trades as well. Their educational videos are amongst the very best as far as I am concerned and have been in the main responsible for getting me back on track after a disasterous start to trading.

They also are developing a really good blog section (mine is on their as in my signature) and also they have a great community discussion area similar to the T2W forums.

Also to confirm as montmorencyt2W suggested, the video course content is completely free.

Very useful site in my opinion

in full agreement

I have been a member of InformedTrades since January 2009 and I can vouch that it is a unique, one-of-a-kind site. There is a wealth of information covering every aspect of trading there (stocks, forex, commodities, futures) and the members are friendly and helpful. Every question is answered in a timely and professional manner, sometimes only a few minutes after being posted.

I have been trading on and off for ten years and I have to say that I have gotten more out of InformedTrades than I have gotten out of many "pay" sites.

good to see a recommendation without the usual amateurish sales pitch...thanks guys.