Inflation vs Deflation

F*cking tories with their bull5hit promises. People laid off for the sake of "efficiencies" that cost more lol.
Yes, despite the **cuts**, borrowing is higher than ever. Funny old world.

Well this is Mrs T's recipee all over again...

Cut petty subsidies to business and lay people off.

Get coal miners sacked and import coal from Poland.

In my time they called it declining industries and structural change. Wipe out manufacturing and replace with advanced service industries in a progressive economies... 😆

PSBR went shooting past $65bn back then and then they thought oh ****? Get Sid and sell him the crown jewels - nationalised industries and pay back debt.

Hoorahhh few Sids shareholders in UK - whilst most assets purchased by foreign funds. You average citizen working for bodies who produce nothing but peddle banking services.

It is to be repeated all over again.

Unfortunately - we don't have anything of value to sell anymore... No worries - sell the Pound - QE - Hot off the press...

Where will it stop or take us I don't think anyone knows... :whistling
I keep coming back to the conclusion that the UK is just utterly f*cked.

BUT where would I live rather than here? Nowhere.
I keep coming back to the conclusion that the UK is just utterly f*cked.

BUT where would I live rather than here? Nowhere.

I'm in 100% agreement with your thinking on both points.

& thats fine for me but maybe scary for my children.
I keep coming back to the conclusion that the UK is just utterly f*cked.

BUT where would I live rather than here? Nowhere.

One of the reasons I like living in the UK is (for all its faults), the BBC.
Unfortunately, those with vested interests have been doing their best to destroy it for years (and have partially succeeded). 4-5 more years of a Tory, sorry Coalition, government should probably see it off 🙁
The thing that REALLY gets me, more than anything else, is the way that the education system has been totally f*cked.

Kids are gaining 10 GCSEs and can barely add up or spell. Exam results have improved for the last 20 years.. every year, without exception.. and yet literacy and numeracy has declined. Think of it as an education QE.

But we need to compete with the hungry and ambitious (and much lower paid) from the "East". I just don't see where the UK is going, other than sustained decline.
On the bright side should be some nice opps in their countries as the skills gap balances out 😉

Only problem us over this side are properly outnumbered!
Sorry to bang on, but when I took my maths A-level in 1989, I happened to find my Dad's maths O-level paper from 25 years prior, and the two were of the same difficulty.

About five years later, I tutored a girl who was learning for her maths GCSE, and was blown away by how ridiculously easy it was.. and that was 15 years ago. Go figure.
S'wat happens when you make box ticking, quotas and stats more of an issue than what citizens are actually learning.

It's just like cdo but in education.
Yes, you can see some of this from the frequency of "loose" for "lose" on this website. The reason it's so irritating for me is because it means I'm obliged to send my kids to a private school if I want them to have a decent education.
The reason it's so irritating for me is because it means I'm obliged to send my kids to a private school if I want them to have a decent education.

Which means you effectively pay twice (plus) for schooling.
Same with healthcare for many of us too.