index trading

Go on Wendy - this could be you trading on the beach (pictures taken from their website).



Are you really going to fall for that?
Stay away from Global Markets Australia - not a good system, you'll lose money.

I know someone in my business breakfast group, the feedback was that they are not truthful and have tried and reel him in to pay for more expensive subscription once you lose your money. Frankly they are betting on that you make bigger gain after your loss if you pay more for their service - not going near it. They do charge alot and looks like their customer service is pretty aweful from what I hear.

Stay away.

A vendor that is not truthful. I refuse to believe it!😢
Hi Betty

There is companies out there doing the same thing for a lot less..Don't be pushed into these smooth talking sales people...Do your research on these companies..$12000 is a lot for an alert service. You shouldn't pay no more than $3000 if that !!!
p.s - u do know they don't have offices but virtual offices. they are on the gold coast. - don't be the next sucker
I am interested in the success or failure of index trading that is predicting within 40 mins whether an index will rise or fall using betonmarkets as the trading platform

also interested if anyone has used global markets australia and if so are there results as good as they appear



I trade the Italian 40 Index because it moves more than anything else. I use 15 minute charts with 3x13x39 SMA's; 2 Bollinger Bands with one at 1 and the other at 2 to give an inner and outer channel. Candles in the outer channel confirm a trend. Below I use the DiNapoli MACD and DiNapoli Preferred Stochastic from GFT.UK. When they agree it is safe to trade. You may set up an auto trade with this system on GFT. It is lucartive.
