In This Thread, the biggest irony about liberaltards and their policies and thinking

Car Key Boi

Well-known member
the biggest irony about lefty liberal policy and thinking being successful, is that the overwhelming majority of the population have to act like republican tards

lefty democrats are by nature: lazy, moranic, looking for a free ride, misunderstanding intellect with ability to do something worthwhile, noisy, troublesome, whiney piss & moan, wacko, flighty, emotional, veiny drifter cock

where as republican tards are by nature: industrious, logical, common sense, hard working, smart, cooperative, affluent

that is all!!

- Car Key Boi 😎
Car key boi,
I love your posts - but can't decide wether you are just being provacative or really believe this stuff, !? hopefully the former.

All the great socio and economic advances in post independance america have been made by democrat or pro-democrat presidents. (Jefferson) for eg.)

Certainly the greatest advances in the 20th century were made by democrats (Wilson's post war advances, Roosevelt,'s New deal JFK/LBJ's social legislation, and even clinton's 'laissez faire' economics (or more accurately - Greenspan, - left alone by Clinton, and that was the key!) This compared to the economic catastrophes of Taft, Coolidge, Hoover, and Reagan, coupled with their regressive introspection, put social democracy back.

Lincoln and Eisenhower are the only exceptions, for different reasons.

I am sure you agree!
where as republican tards are by nature: industrious, logical, common sense, hard working, smart, cooperative, affluent

And most of them drive the flash cars that you like to vandalise!

Keep up the good work 😆
bbmac said:
Car key boi,
I love your posts - but can't decide wether you are just being provacative or really believe this stuff, !? hopefully the former.

All the great socio and economic advances in post independance america have been made by democrat or pro-democrat presidents. (Jefferson) for eg.)

Certainly the greatest advances in the 20th century were made by democrats (Wilson's post war advances, Roosevelt,'s New deal JFK/LBJ's social legislation, and even clinton's 'laissez faire' economics (or more accurately - Greenspan, - left alone by Clinton, and that was the key!) This compared to the economic catastrophes of Taft, Coolidge, Hoover, and Reagan, coupled with their regressive introspection, put social democracy back.

Lincoln and Eisenhower are the only exceptions, for different reasons.

I am sure you agree!

well my remarks were aimed at the lefty veiny drifter cock skool of thought liberal that was born in the 60s (and i include JFK and Clinton amongst those) not old skool libs like Wilson blah

but's it really their supporters that really win the prize

here's a pic of the kind of tard i'm talking about

dem and reps are controlled by the same people . democracy is a sham to let the public feel as if someone is accountable to them .

whereas the real rulers of the western world are...... NWO .
interesting.I've been doing some reading recently on this NWO...I presume you mean New World Order.would like to know your thoughts on it,how deep it goes,whether it exists,knights of the Templer...that sort of stuff,whether you can recommend any further sources....books,internet etc where i can delve a little deeper.

ahh the New World Order. I thought it was a reference to the wrestling

yeah it's possible, we're all being rulzed by the NWO

still, it could be worse, imagine if we were ruled by the NWA "straight outta Compton"
car key boi, do you know i do believe you actually mean what you are posting (love the graphic by the way!) I won't get all serious on you about jfk/clinton scholl of democrat thinking, suffice to say that you think that this Bush administratiion is not ideologically led? At least JFK/Clinton were actually in charge of their administrations and were not dumb puppets for the neo-cons to manipulate. (By the way i supported the iraq war, and israels intervention in syria today, and the whole policy of pre-emption, but it has to be done with an even hand!)

best as ever, keep em coming,
steve ,

that would fill up a thesis , but briefly , if you dig hard enough you will find that most of the world's power structure are owned by a small cabal of people - like the Rothchilds , Rockefellers , Warburgs etc .

This group owns/ controls world banking / media / energy / business etc etc .

with that sort of power , they OWN politicians , who are just nothings but toys in the pockets of the NWO.

NWO wants global enslavement but they are going to meet stiff resistance - which will set up the final conflict - NWO evil vs. freedom fighters , one way or another . In fact it's already begun.


ok he believes in lizard men etc . but ignore that and you will see his research is pretty sound.
WTF??? just checked out that davidike site!!

dude's WACKO!! he's a LOON!!! he's more crazy than me!!!!! do yuo honestly expect anyone to take seriously anything that loon has to say??


more people take more seriously than they would and that is TROOF! and yes i'm being serious!!!
Apart from the lizard men etc , his research is pretty sound.

I stand by what I say , all of it is repeated in many many other sites , type new world order in yahoo and check it out.
The Liberal parties used to be 'good', but over the years they've morphed into socialist satellite parties. Just look at the transition from Gladstone to Kennedy, What a joke!

Hell, Reagan was a democrat until the party was destroyed. 😉

Give me a party that will instigate sound money, limited government and isolationalism and I will vote for them, the rest are either old fart brigade Conservatives or fanatic socialists, which equates to the same thing but one side is politically correct and the other isnt, I'll let you make up your mind as to which is which. 😆
virtually impossible - all political parties are pawns of the NWO , that's why nothing ever changes.