In at the deep end!


Hi all,
A truly newbie here. Found this site via various links and find it fasinating, but also a bit scary as it really tells me I am out of my depth. I am a stay at home dad, looking to make some money from home. My current mode is property, which is good, but slow, and not very exciting - my latest deal made 30k but with very little 'buzz' as it took time and a lot of effort. I am keen to get into shares or spread betting, to get some excitement from making money quickly 'with risk'.
I have subscribed to a spread bet advice site, and they 'assure' me I will make double figure returns in days!! This sounds a little quicker than my property deals that take months, but probably, to good to be true!!
Is spread betting a good thing? Or do you know of a better way to make some quick cash from home?
To sum up, I am sitting at home, with money to invest, looking for some way to make some more money in an exciting way.
I have 3 months before it is back to 'magnolia on a roller' in my next property, so please give me some ideas.... website addresses welcome.
Hi Superspur.

Welcome to the t2w site. You will find all you need to know about trading on here. That alone will take up hours of your time.

That's the pleasantries out of the way!

First thing you need to do is change your name to 'fish food'. Because that's what you will be.

Honestly if you are making good returns on 'boring' property investments; stay with them.
Trading if done properly is also very boring.
If you want 'excitement' go to a casino. If you can get on top and then leave with your winnings you've had a good night.

Spread betting can be a bit like that if approached the wrong way. Most people see it as gambling.

If you want a bit of 'excitement' fine. Open a sb account but trade the minimum amount possible. I promise your eyes will be made to open wide.

With all due respect to the previous poster I have never in 15 years + of trading come into contact with anyone that has made decent money on a regular basis from 'tipping' services.
You find that they harp on about the ones they got 'right' and forget to mention the ones they got wrong. Also the time delay will kill you.

You also have to take into account your threshold for 'pain'. How much are you prepared to lose, or leave on the table in the hope that a bad trade comes good? 10 quid? 500? 2 grand?

I hope that every single one of your trades is a good one.

How much time are you willing to devote to the study of markets?

The road before you, should you decide to do it properly for yourself runs over and down 'Ben Nevis'

In the end there are no shortcuts. You journey the road for as long as it takes.

It will take a couple of days to learn a paper round. 5 years to become a plumber or a printer. How long to become a doctor? A brain or heart surgeon? The rewards for a 'good' trader are better than the previous 'jobs' But the 'apprenticeship' is longer.

Having said that the 'individual' may get by on less...for a while.

Good luck Mr Fish food.

Can't add to Options' post (is the apostrophe correct?) other than don't pay for anything - courses, newsletters. All the expertise and guidance you need, and more, is here and on other web-sites.

I have 3 months before it is back to 'magnolia on a roller' in my next property, so please give me some ideas....

It's probably going to take you about that much time just to figure things out to the point where you can even start thinking about making a serious go of it - unless you're just punting.
Superspur posted 6 months ago. His only other post (on the same day) mentioned that he had fallen in with Vince Stanzione, so I shouldn't think he will have much left to play with by now.
Superspur posted 6 months ago. His only other post (on the same day) mentioned that he had fallen in with Vince Stanzione, so I shouldn't think he will have much left to play with by now.

😆 Good one.
And very true🙁

Hi again superspur and welcome back. To be honest I thought you'd disappeared for good so my comment was excessively cynical and harsh. And although it has apparently some truth, I am genuinely very sorry to hear that your introduction to trading has been, err, expensive. Vince is an excellent salesman by all accounts, and many have gone that way.

The advice above from Options, Grantx, and Rhody Trader is all very sound.
No worries. Vince hasn't cleaned me out, and I am slowly clawing back my money from him - my way!!
Vince sells tips to bet on his own site - Betonmarkets. His tips are good, but unless you are playing with big money, the cost of the tips is not recoverable.
I was only dabbling, and that is how it will stay. My real earner is property, and having started only 1 year ago, I already own 1 flat for free, and am looking for my next one. I only need 5 to be financially secure for life, but my target is 10, so I can be wealthy for the rest of my life!!
Thanks for the advice on this board, but this isn't for me 🙂🙂
It can be guv. It can be just what you wanted it to be!

Try it for fun. small amounts only though. You will get hooked. (No pun intended).
My post was in no way intended to mock. So please don't take it as such. It was a heads up to a real sharp lesson. But apparently old Vinzie baby latched on to you before you even had a chance to test the water for youself.

I apologize on behalf of myself and all the honest traders and mentors here and out on the web. (There are more good guys than bad). But the good guys don't advertise as much as the bad guys.

Vincie, Darren Winters and the such are scum. Out and out con men who trick new peeps into parting with considerable sums of cash to learn their ways of trading... stuff you can pick up on the internet and here for free. It is very,very, questionable as to whether they are successful traders.
I very much doubt in both cases.

A quick word to them in case they ever read this post.
If you ever want to take this up in court, let's do it.

A quick word to all the people they have conned.
If they do. Please forward me all your dealings with these people.

A quick word to the moderators.
🙁 I'm sorry please don't give me an infraction.😢👎

Truth will out 😈😈😈😡👍👍👍:smart:

A quick word to Grantx. Yes, the apostrophe is correct. Thank you for your grasp of the English language.

My heart saddens with each passing day the way the English language is *******ised on a regular basis.

Fish food. Try it, do it your way; but do not jump in feet first. If you have any questions; no matter how stupid they appear. Ask them. There are plenty of 'good guys' on here.


If you want excitement I reckon you'll get plenty of that next year if you stay in property.

If you decide to trade the markets then excitement is one ingredient to leave out - you need to be cold, clinical, hard-nosed emotionless and completely objective. Take Mr Spock as your role model.

Good luck with the property.