Importing a NT indicator into FXCM MarketScope.....


I am having trouble getting the B-line template / Indicators imported into my FXCM ( MarketScope 2.0 ) platform

I use NinjaTrader for my Futures trading, but am currently using FXCM for forex, and would like to have the same Indicator setup ( B-line ) on my MarketScope 2.0 platform as I do my NT platform.

Here's the link for the Actual Indicators plotted on a chart.....

Here's the link to the thread that mentions the B-line Indicator with the Zip files....

And lastly, here is the code from TradeStation in Text format.....

Input: Price(Close), Length1(35), Length2(10), Length3(1), OverBought(80), OverSold(20),
Variables: KFast(0), KFull(0), DFull(0), LL(O), HH(0);
LL = Lowest((High+Low)/2, Length1);
HH = Highest((High+Low)/2, Length1);
KFast = 100 * IFF(HH-LL=0,0,(((High+Low)/2) - LL)/(HH- LL));
KFull = Average(KFast, Length2);
DFull = Average(KFull, Length3);
If KFull <= 80 and KFull >= 20 then
Plot1(KFull,"Stoc",MidColor,Default,2) else
Plot3(OverBought, "OverBought");
Plot4(OverSold, "OverSold");

Thanks so much for the time and the help, I very much appreciate it
I am having trouble getting the B-line template / Indicators imported into my FXCM ( MarketScope 2.0 ) platform

I use NinjaTrader for my Futures trading, but am currently using FXCM for forex, and would like to have the same Indicator setup ( B-line ) on my MarketScope 2.0 platform as I do my NT platform.

Here's the link for the Actual Indicators plotted on a chart.....

Here's the link to the thread that mentions the B-line Indicator with the Zip files....

And lastly, here is the code from TradeStation in Text format.....

Input: Price(Close), Length1(35), Length2(10), Length3(1), OverBought(80), OverSold(20),
Variables: KFast(0), KFull(0), DFull(0), LL(O), HH(0);
LL = Lowest((High+Low)/2, Length1);
HH = Highest((High+Low)/2, Length1);
KFast = 100 * IFF(HH-LL=0,0,(((High+Low)/2) - LL)/(HH- LL));
KFull = Average(KFast, Length2);
DFull = Average(KFull, Length3);
If KFull <= 80 and KFull >= 20 then
Plot1(KFull,"Stoc",MidColor,Default,2) else
Plot3(OverBought, "OverBought");
Plot4(OverSold, "OverSold");

Thanks so much for the time and the help, I very much appreciate it

Hi Michael,

While I'm not a programmer myself, you might want to check out It's a free community of programmers who have experience coding indicators and automated strategies to run on Marketscope and Trading Station.

Also, I just wanted to make sure you were aware that's it's possible to use your NinjaTrader platform to trade forex on your FXCM account: