Impeach bernanke

Inflation with vastly increased money supply, asset bubbles as in commodities, pressure on interest rates and much else. As long as the increased money supply dosn't feed into excessive credit expansion we might just be ok.
A possibly over heating China may be the next problem.
I shan't mention Spain as you seem to live there 😉
I've often considered a cabinet comprised of London cab drivers would provide unparalleled access to the root cause of (and solution to) everything and additionally represent genuine democracy.
I've often considered a cabinet comprised of London cab drivers would provide unparalleled access to the root cause of (and solution to) everything and additionally represent genuine democracy.

You wouldn't say that if you'd met my brother in law who is a black cab driver.
A punter got in his cab once and asked to be taken to Waterloo.
He got out his map and took him there.


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I know, Birds Eye quarter pounder burgers 8 for 2 quid..OK for the barbecue..😛

I bumped into Joe Ross there, but he just made his usual statement and wouldn't engage in discussion.
I did try.
"Are you a monk fish?"
"Is that a cod piece?"
"Nice plaice"

He just wouldn't take the bait.