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explain, is it push up hill on a down hill slope you newbies tring to push a bolder up hill
Well, we are all just trying to make you see some sense. We will be watching🙂
explain, is it push up hill on a down hill slope you newbies tring to push a bolder up hill
""You said you had 400 pips since you last spoke. A post shortly before that you said you will start with $200 towards $3 million, even though you currently have $7 in your account. How could you have $7 in your account after +400 pips?"
true..they where demo trades....
Wow! I'm impressed. Actually you just got caught up to by your contradiciton. You go on about what a great trader you are, and then only make pips on a demo. Let me give you a clue. You are able to spend the money the pips yield if they are done on a live account.
"Actually, how is it your only posted trade in real time, you lost on? ""
had a lot on new people to the room, price spiked low then staled it created a lag on my set up. it was a new experiance. i gave a 40 pip stoploss at the high.... stoploss hit.. thats it.
Your first excuse was the news. "A lot of new people to the room" is really getting to be a phony excuse.
" You said in another post you shoot for 10 pips, but your system allows you 50 pips per day, and then in naother palce you said you make 100 pips per day. Yet, the only trade you made in real time has a target of 250 pips."
true..10 pips is all i need and the thread was speaking on a 20 pips a day goal. if you read my post is say i started out just looking for 10 pips a day. plus i back him saying i do just look for 10 pips a day which is true.. for any to win in this market 10pips is all they need. as you say my system allow me 50+pips a days. i start only looking for 10 pips this is a mind set. my signals are set for 50 +pips, i make a 100 pips per day when it all said and done. that trade target is set correct and would have hit if the new said other wise..i gave a call and stuck to it. im really not a news trader because the charts show the action and that what i trade. a it was a bad . a human error .. the system called the buy perfect it was just me\ who took tje sell.
That very statement is full of contradicitons, and you asked later in this post where your contradictions are.
Right, you make a 100 pips per day, and Tucker is a cat.
"You said somewhere you are from Calif, but your profile says UK. "
my skype says cali
And your profile says UK. Also, this is going to sound really cold-hearted, but I do not mean it that way. First of all, if you are an immigrant, then it is understandable. That notwithstanding, then you do have a very poor command of the English language and your spelling skils are very poor. My point is if you can't figure out the English language, then I hope you are not going to try and convince anyone that you have figured out trading. Trading is much harder than speaking a native tounge.
"You want to have newbies follow you, but have no idea of the effects the news has on price action."
i know what the news do i just dont follow it. to much forward trader to keep up with this b/s azz governments.
First, you are now saying you don't follow it, and earlier you placed a trade on it. "
53 posts into this site and you're filled will contradictions.
It's not hard for everyone else to figure it out. Why can't you? Don't forget, everyone of your posts are tracked as they are in the public profile. It's not hard to see you're a phony.
"Let me give you another fact. You mentioned your indicators don't lag. Price will move against your indciators before your indicators will move with the price. In other words, price action will always be ahead of the indicators (Ahh, you did say yours don't lag because they are based on proce action.). I use the ichimoku cloud. It gives a good future imperative, by looking at the indicators that are contained within the cloud. Even the ichimoku cloud needs to be interpreted correctly in order for it to be a winning part of the methodology. "
yes that was a bad example on my behave.. i have never seen follow trends as good as mine do. there off buy only maybe 30 pips for high and lows. to me that not laging as they signal signals 1 or 2 bars in to the trends. thats not lagging to me... as any trader here if the call tops and bottom bars in to the trend they ,, I do..whos lagging me or you?
That's more useless mantra coming off the top of your head. The trend indicator you use is nothing much more than a MACD. The parabolic S&R's do plot the dot 2 candles past the move. That is extremely lacking.
Now for the proof. I went short the EUR/CAD. That I caught with little pullback. The MOVE was made that day, and then another equivalent move was made the next day. By then, a system that lags by 2 candles would have missed that whole move--all 400 pips. By the, I didn't make 400 pips on the trade, but I did make a good chuunk of it.
Here's another fact. I have a proprietary set of S&R's. My yearlies are done before the year starts (Same said for the dailies, weeklies, and monthlies.). The point is I know where key supports and resistances will be at during the year, because it was predetermined. My S&R's are even created from former price action. "
yes i know how to do this and use to do this with pivot point. then i relised its retarted to do.. i have to make money every day in an uncertain maket(news release).. now matter how good you get a S&R you never get it right.. and trust me i am d-mn good with S&R.. had a demo account at dukascopy, it was all i used to make a profit with ...
You are trying to play ball in my park now, which further shows you have no idea of what you are talking about. My S&R's have nothing to do with pivots. I did not figure them that way. My S&R's are just that, but they also tell me the trend's range within any given TF.
"I never get it right?" Why do I have people that have followed me the last 3 years to make sure I send them the actual figures. Privately, you cna give me your e-mail, and I'll send you my S&R's. Plot them on your demo and then tell me they "never get it right". I'm sitting here laughing. They have been my pride adn joy the last 3 years, and then you are telling me they every get it right. I did mean it. I'll send them to anyone. No charge, no strings. BTW, I got a guy that has known me for 5 years that is following my thread. He wants to make sure I get him the weeklies, monthlies and yearlies for gold. I don't even trade it. The recent strong bounce we had DOWN came as a result of a bounce off my YR1.
Finally, you said something that makes sense. You have been winning off your Dukkascopy demo. Listen, if we can wack that nasty ego of yours down, then maybe you can see that is what you need to continue doing. Keep winning on your demo. Sincerely, I want to see yo be a winner. Prove yourself on it for a loooong period of time. Then you might be ready to make money live.
Trust you!?!? I'll trust you as much as I'll trust Tucker to get in a fight with a Doberman and win.
"Plain and simple, you like many others want to be a trader, and that part of it is okay. Nothing wrong with wanting to be a star player. But, you are still a newbie. Just sit back and learn to develop a methodology. A lot of your rhetoric sounds good, but it does not make you pips. What gives it away are all the inconsistencies as I noted. It's the tone, and trying to impress someone without the underlying principle to back it up.
I see English is not your first language. What country do you hail from?
For other readers -here is a video about itchy clouds mentioned by the hustler, if interested (Youtube - Chris Capre-founder of Second Skies LLC )
true i try to tell people to demo my trades before going full time( really just wanted people to follow along an see how i do, as i will be starting my goal of 1 million in three months, i am going to make it clear i am just showing my skills as a trader and new traders should just only follow along as i trade, ) .. trying to teach people how to trade is like telling a baby to wipe its on behind, its not going to happen..
Talking of Pics- take a break and enjoy a spot of art😉
[/QUOTE]This is the only time I am responding to you, and then I'm going to unsubscribe because this whole thing is stupidity. In addition, you are just not making yourself look to bright by the rubbish that comes out of your mouth. If it wasn't volitional on your part, there could be some help gotten your way. It's simple, there are amny that get on this site, admit they are failed traders, and then they can get help. You won't get any help as long as you keep giving snow jobs to everyone.
sure.. newbie, wow.. im not a found manager or old money .. but i do d=mn good as is calling the market.. you say your a pro. tell me how many pips do you make a day and dont say its not important.. i can hit the 100pip mark every day from here to new years. and not have a problam. can you do that with your goal...
No, I never called myself a pro. I don't use the sort of terminology. I have said I'm a good trader and very confident at what I do. I have also said that my methodology is the only one I trust without sounding like I am knocking anyone else.
Within the proper context, it does not matter how many pips I get. You were addressing a previous conversation we had when you asked me what my margining was when I got 3,544 pips in one day. That did not matter, the margining. I wanted to prove on a live (get it?) account that it could be done. The amount of money I actually made on it I would have normally made on 70 pips. I also made that perfectly clear when I called those trades and reported them 2 days later in my thread.
Let me be ruthfully honest without sounding like I'm blowing my horn. On several occasions, I have placed a trade, went to sleep, and wake up to 100-200 pips. It's an exception to the rule if that makes you feel better. Whether or not you beleive it, I don't care, and it is not open to argument, but I am a consistent trader, and I make lots of pips. If in doubt, look at my thread. It is highly transparent.
Post your trades and prove you can do 100 pips per day. I don't advertise how many pips I do, so it is not necessary for me to prove anything. Plus, I am not here for any ulterior motive. You are, and you run your mouth. Now, it's time to back it up.
You mentioned somewhere esle I only posted one of my trades, after I told you that. What I said was factual. To show, once again, how much of hyour ignorance you are showing off, those 3,544 pips, alone, came from 17 trades. That were posted in advnace and the results shown later. There were also many more trades posted on my thread, and also my blog. Better get your facts straight.
BTW, to show what kind of a winning methodology I trade from, I had my 1st losing week last week in 3 years. Maybe that makes you feel good. It doesn't bother me one way or another.
What would you expect? You only demo trade yourself.
More puke. What happened to the $3 million you were going to make?
At least it will be a very quick class if you show all your skills.
Look! Quit pretending. You don't even have the ability to explain how you trade. You are in this and opened your Skype room in hoping to buffalo enough people into them buying whatever it is you are selling, because you don't know how to trade yourself.
Thye look like they are climbing a hill, so it did "pic up".
stop trying to knock my tread read the first post i put in here it tells my history.. demo trade .. ha ha sure. 3 million? it says i will try 1 million in 3 months.
and no i will not explain my system to you now😆
I'll have to stand corrected. You never did say anything about $3 million.
Still, you're not going to make $1 million in 3 months, so watch your ego again. Make your 1st $10, and then you can go from there.
Your system? Don't worry. I'm not holding my breath. Why would I want yours if I can make money on my own?