I'm getting into this swinging lark!

Haven't got access to his private thread also. He would e-mail me about membership information (?) but I didn't receive anything. Does anyone know what's going on?
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Originally Posted by bangkokgee
the swing trades busted the 1000 points so people would have lost their pot.
Hi Garry,
What entry did you get m8, Rav called the short at 1.6320 and 1.6375 and it made 1.7049 i think so it was a way off the 1000 pip mark. I know it was a big move against us but the scalps covered any loss on the swing and providing no one over leveraged their account we all should have stayed in and now be rubbing our hands as its about 100points adrift(depending where you entered).
Anyway patience again prevails so hopefully cable has now slipped on its lead wellies and is gonna head for the 1.5's:cheesy:
thx Rav another year older and still getting em right 😆😎
I've been following Rav too. He is great. In the first 6 minutes of following him I was up 1,981 pips and since then he has made 497 calls which were all big winners. Actually, one of them lost 3 pips. I am glad that I am no longer using stops because this was the reason I kept taking losses. Try to join Rav if you want to be a winner.

"Agreed. My presence on these boards is pretty funny when you see how much money I make"

Funny....you made it sound like your success was attributable to you - but now it's Rav's doing. You talk the biggest load of **** on this board mate 😆 Go sell some more seminars like all great traders do.
Hi Andy,

Great to hear your trading is progressing well, like you I’m massively impressed with Rav’s 77 winning scalp trades turning 10K into 19.5K in 3 days is awesome, this was great to follow and be involved in and I’m sure the 40+ who followed these trades and raved about how accurate they were and if not placing trades themselves a number were constantly asking me which ones I took.

I definitely forgive him for the just 2 losing trades this is an excellent ratio, although if he was a 19 year old slim Blonde I’m sure I would have to put her over my knee and give her a damn good spanking to make sure there were no losses in the future.


so he scalps and swings...cool...does he sell pyramids in his spare time? 😀
Right to clear this up...Rav has proved he can trade, he doubled a 10 grand for all to see within a week or two. End of, it happened, there was enough proof to prove this without doubt.

However, i think this signal service is something apart, i asked about it but decided against pursuing it further, tbh i don't really care that much about the money i would miss out on and i think the learning experience is worthwhile. I also believe that the most important factor in trading is the individual as opposed to method so on that basis i thought it better just to trade myself.

But it isn't reli fair for anyone to question Ravs trading ability when he has gone out of his way to prove that he can trade esp from people who haven't undergone the same process, which is judgment of trading ability in the highest. However, questioning the signal side is fair game.
Right to clear this up...Rav has proved he can trade, he doubled a 10 grand for all to see within a week or two. End of, it happened, there was enough proof to prove this without doubt.

I like your post and I agree with quite a bit you've said - just chose not to quote to save space.

We've heard about how good rav was to double his money in a week or two quite a few times now and we get the message Rav (stop telling them to sing your praises, it gets old.) But the question is does this really mean anything? Was it luck? Is it something he can do week in week out? Only way of proving this is over time.

To double an account in a week or two is not such an easy feat and would require use of high leverage and getting in and out of the market frequently. If this was attempted on a frequent basis the risk of ruin will be very high and I doubt even the best would be able to double an account every week or two so let's not look at this with our short-term goggles. Not having a personal dig at Rav's trading abilities - just saying our sample size is tiny - it could be a fluke.
sorry Masq, i should also add that Rav did show privately a longer record...it was over a year and it was high frequency trading ie daytrading 5+ trades a day or so, so it was not luck. The return was again very good on this account. And it is clear he knows what he is doing.
I think you have raised the key point that Rav's style is hard to follow (for me at least), he is clearly an experienced trader and plays it close to the edge (again for me) but that is his style and it works for him. I think his style requires a huge amount of skill and again he deserves some respect but i would say, in my view, that trading must suit the individual or at some point something will go wrong.

PS, i would question if Rav is getting them to say good stuff, that reli doesn't strike me as his style but i agree sycophantic praise is grating, Rav has done what he could, now people make their own decision.
But it isn't reli fair for anyone to question Ravs trading ability when he has gone out of his way to prove that he can trade esp from people who haven't undergone the same process, which is judgment of trading ability in the highest.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm totally agree and the 10k account was doubled in 3 and a bit days.

Its a bit like watching Chelsea winning game after game and Man utd supporters sitting there critisising them and saying they'll lose, then when they do eventually lose a game standing up with a stupid smug grin saying "see told you they were ****". No theyre not **** but law of averages suggests that eventually they will lose the odd game but it doesnt mean theyre **** it just means theyre human.

If you look back over Ravs threads he did a few challenges i think they were 1k-5k @£3a pip no losses.2k to 20k over 20 days he did a 2000pips over 8mths no losses and his most recent was the 10k to 20k in a few days. I wish i was that flukey at trading and every challenge was done live. If ya click on his name its worth reading a few of his threads from the past. Ya never know if ya scan through them you might be able to find something in there to pick fault with!😴
what is spare time?

😆 Its something ive got more of now im not sat staring at a screen all day😱.

Ive been sat with my 7yr olds keyboard and learnt to play Chicanes Poppiholla off You tube .😎
Right to clear this up...Rav has proved he can trade, he doubled a 10 grand for all to see within a week or two. End of, it happened, there was enough proof to prove this without doubt.

Rav's OK, TBH I just don't 'get' this thread, I read Rav's last journal for a while, can see/understand his technique but so what? Not rocket science is it? Blindfolded I could stick a pin in any donkey pair with a 600 stop loss (in either direction) and it'd probably come good...some time...

I could sit down any day and just scalp away on a 5 min TF; waiting for stoch and macd to signal/turn and take trades.. heh, I've done that one and found it fooking exhausting and although profitable placing 50 trades a day and giving 50 lots of commissions to IG or FXCM just isn't my thing. Never to be revisited unless in 'competition' format...having said that if you have to absolutely be a winner day in day out it works...it's just 5hite trading IMHO..

All T/A will 'work', there are (at my last count) approx. 30 different forex trading techniques that I could make work (for me) if I wanted it to. This guru worship stuff 'does my head in' on 'ere, perhaps it's just me, but I just crack on and do my own thing, I'm not constantly searching for a messiah who shares the love 🙂

Good for Rav that he 'shares', major points in the karma pip bank dude..🙂
😆 Its something ive got more of now im not sat staring at a screen all day😱.

Ive been sat with my 7yr olds keyboard and learnt to play Chicanes Poppiholla off You tube .😎
YouTube - Chicane - Poppiholla - NEW 2009 Rework Of Hoppipolla - SUMMER ANTHEM

Amazing a full 40 mins has passed and noones been on here yet to point out that any fookin idiot can learn to play that tune using a small keyboard and chicanes sh#*e anyway and doesnt know his head from his ar#e. People must be mellowing a bit!😉
"Agreed. My presence on these boards is pretty funny when you see how much money I make"

Funny....you made it sound like your success was attributable to you - but now it's Rav's doing. You talk the biggest load of **** on this board mate 😆 Go sell some more seminars like all great traders do.

No, the little success I have is attributable to Rav. I am selling Ravs technique at the moment. Holding a seminar next week. £14,500 for the day but its good value. Send me your email I'll give you the slightly discounted offer.
No, the little success I have is attributable to Rav. I am selling Ravs technique at the moment. Holding a seminar next week. £14,500 for the day but its good value. Send me your email I'll give you the slightly discounted offer.

Can I take a loan out in your name to pay for the seminar and then pay you back double once I make it from all your great advice from the seminar? 👍
what entry did you get m8, rav called the short at 1.6320 and 1.6375 and it made 1.7049 i think so it was a way off the 1000 pip mark. I know it was a big move against us but the scalps covered any loss on the swing and providing no one over leveraged their account we all should have stayed in and now be rubbing our hands as its about 100points adrift(depending where you entered).

Masquerade...Just had a look at all this rubbish that has been going on....
What is your issue..what are you trying to achieve..what have i done wrong to any of you guys here..
You are talking about my trading...I post charts for everysingle trade that I place...I give both fundamental and technical reasoning behind every trade..wether a loss or profit I have posted trades..
I have included the books I have read in the past where I got my knowledge from all the technical indicators i use...+ I provide all the trade plans....

Re: Trader_Dante...

I recently got a few pms from people and If you have mod access see the messages i have sent them
I have told them to come to experinaced traders like yourself for advice...
I never expected that from Dante..

Have I promoted anything at all ....No Never...

Blackswan...I am not here waiting for praise..I am helping people..
I dont say I double money for a living if so what am i doing here...I wait for the correct trade setups and take them accordingly.

Everything I do is live and in my jounrals..

Masquerade...I sent you such and humble pm ...I really dont understand..


I hope all of you guys have a wonderful year...

Happy Trading

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