Hallo folks,
Oh dear, the ever so friendly and good people of IG index are taking me to bankruptcy court. Have I got a chance?
I refused to pay them because I came to the conclusion that they did not act in accordance with their order execution policy. Rejected trades, delays, platform freezes, wrong information, fob offs etc. I decided that they had not acted to obtain the "best possible results for our clients". Its not a big amount and I wasn't trading large amounts (compared to what I have seen on this board!). I went through the process of the compliance department who would not let me see my account activity so that I could make my complaint in full. In the end they rejected my complaint sent me a Statutory Demand and are taking me to Bankruptcy court.
Anyone been to bankruptcy court with IGIndex and won?
Anyone know the terms and conditions inside out?
Have I got a chance or should I just pay them? That is the question???