IG Or ETX Or Capital Spreads???

..anyway, just to chip in, I use IG for forex trading and can't really complain, had a couple of bad fills on spot trades recently but not the end of the world and nothing that's led me to consider using another sb firm. Also it's quite clear in this thread that there are knowledgeable people around so let's wipe the slate clean and crack on trying to make profits. I've not posted for quite some time but as soon as I come back I'm the face of peace, **** me what a hero !!

Does anyone fancy a simple £1 pp forex thread from £200 to £1,000 ?

The start account of £200 is simply to cover the deposits required to open a couple of trades and to compensate for a trade going against you initially :-(

I started the year with £200 and haven't done too bad since, just loading up the trades now, as I agree with Dow jones anybody can say anything but photos of how your getting on say it all.

I'm doing this from the iPad which I haven't done before but hopefully has come through. Anyway if anybody wants to join the new thread please feel free. The purpose will be to share knowledge, experiences, discussion and debate, strategies and more importantly to make money. I haven't created the thread yet but if you want to join in it will be called £200 to £1,000. All trades you place must be shown up by picture at the end of the trading week.

Just had a thought, I was thinking this should be for IG only members as we are then working from the same platform and charts, however I dont see any reason why people can't join in from any sb. I'm nothing to do with IG by the way, just used them for the years iv been trading.

If anyone has any other ideas around this, please speak up. Il start the thread when I get chance I'm shattered at the mo.

So just to re cap this is just something that we can all have a go at if people want to, its relatively low risk at £1pp and we can all see how each other gets on and have some good discussion/debate along the way.

See you in the thread



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Nice **** mike ! Looks like you need to create an account with bet fair, can't be arsed with that happy with my account/charts/platform already. People might just want to join in with what they've already got rather than creating another account elsewhere which they then may not be happy with. Il create the thread and see what the interest is like. If people fancy it then all well and good.
Nice **** mike ! Looks like you need to create an account with bet fair, can't be arsed with that happy with my account/charts/platform already. People might just want to join in with what they've already got rather than creating another account elsewhere which they then may not be happy with. Il create the thread and see what the interest is like. If people fancy it then all well and good.

No probs 👍 this is just a bit of fun, Only takes five min's to register and you get a free 100 spondoolies...
*Sigh*... let me (again) prove you wrong:

Firstly the OP had mentioned problems with his SB firm in the thread (ie that he was getting dealer referral problems and was not confident he'd get his funds returned)... Then I had a brief chat with 'Mallaguti':
Malaguti wrote: "what do you consider a decent broker DJ?"
I wrote (to Malaguti): "Obviously it depends on what you're trading - I'd just try to ensure that you use an institutional quality firm..."

Then you (peakoil) post my response to Malaguti, as a reply to the OP (hence out of context), and get arsey with me for my broker recommendation. You make no reference to his current SB problems, and instead are clearly annoyed with my anti-SB stance. Thus, I say you started this because I have never exchanged a post with you before this thread.

Worm out of this all you like. Twist and turn. But initially I questioned your initial post. Yes I questioned what you wrote. And I did so without being unmannerly. Which forum rules permit. Before you called me "ignorant" this was my response to *your* opinion where *you* said "I'd avoid all the retail crap & bucketshops":

"But wait a minute, didn't the OP state that he'd only been trading for "three months"? So not only is he a relative newbie but he's also, whether you like it or not, most likely classed as a "retail client", and one seemingly in need of at least one good retail outfit. He's chosen spread betting, and that's his choice. Besides, if he doesn't have institutional amounts to play with, then why tell him to "avoid" retail firms? "

What's "arsey" about that? What's more did I deserve *this* response from you?

"Of course, please feel free to follow peakoil's advice and loose[sic] money.
The level of ignorance on these forums from many posters is astounding. It becomes very clear now why 95% of retail lose money..."

I was frankly surprised by your rudeness first. And then:

(1) You assume that his following my advice to choose at least two spread-betting firms *if* he continues to spreadbet will lose the original poster money.
(2) You assume that I am ignorant.
(3) You assume that 95% of retail lose money.

You assume too much.

So, without name calling, I countered your assumptions with some fact to chew over. But you didn't quite like that, did you? How dare I show you up like that!? Aren't you a man who's smarter than everyone else? A man who is always right? A man who is so brilliant no amount of facts can get in his opinion's way? Oh the cheek of me! Sorry to rattle your pram, but I am usually very respectful of other posters on this forum; alas, once you hit me 'below the belt', I had no problem either disagreeing, or with my continuing to find fault in your assumptions. As the song goes... "you can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
Obviously it depends on what you're trading - I'd just try to ensure that you use an institutional quality firm. You can search some of my other posts for comments on this topic, but examples are: LMAX for spot fx in the UK, IB, Mirus for US futures etc. There are many more, I'm just giving a small sample. I'd avoid all the retail crap & bucketshops...

There is a thread about IB - good to read through if you plan to open an account with them. For some reason IB representatives haven't posted there for some time:whistling

One post about IB's data:http://www.trade2win.com/boards/direct-access/18316-interactive-brokers-221.html#post1683284...
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