Aaron a couple of things; firstly you've now moved away from paper trading and no matter how many times you hear the phrase "it's different" you're now experiencing it for real. Back testing a strategy before trading never accounts for factors such as slippage and or the true cost of exit/entry. Oil spread on IG is poor, at times the spread is eleven points, your guaranteed stop will be 3 points and unless you time the entry perfectly the entry always 'steals' 3-4 points. You can be 17 points down as the trade goes 'live', IMHO (as a short time frame day trader) this often kills oil off as a spread.
Suggestion; do not trade it, look for trades with a spread of 2-3 pips with a stop loss cost of the same, even these will cost approx. 7-8 points on entry on your limited risk account. Trade cable, trade Euro/dollar, trade the ftse, trade Wall st (when it shrinks to 4 pips spread). These 4 opportunities will give you a great understanding of so much, IMHO it's difficult to improve on these for you. Let's not forget after a bit of experience you can move to IG plus account and wont' pay for the stops - unless you want to place them.
Secondly, you've only just started trading and you're already bitching and chucking your emotions all over this suite of forums, I have some harsh news for you; it's not them it's you, you need to adapt, you need to take on board that you've got to control your emotions and figure out in a calm and reflective manner where you went wrong and I'm talking as a tea cup chucker/keyboard head basher/talking to myself nutter in my early days...but it passes, you will gain control you will figure out how to win/make money, then it's all about getting your head straight and keeping it that way.
To finish don't regard platforms such as IG as either your friend or enemy it's a cold, merciless machine, learn how to use it then play it..