IG Markets Offer Free (6 week trial) of LII CFD Platform


Legendary member
I've just got an email from ADVFN with the following link.

May be of interest to those contemplating trading CFDs via a SB using LII.


I haven't used it or signed up for it yet, but I will, just to have a look.

Appreciate anyone else's comments on how it rates. Just the platform, not IG!

Update: Saturday Jan-31 11:00 - IG phoned me yesterday and said I have to open a CFD account before I can use the demo...

Just thought you should know.
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TheBramble said:

May be of interest to those contemplating trading CFDs via a SB using LII.

I think you're getting a little confused? CFD's & SB are both methods of booking a trade. You can not mix . A trade is either a SB OR a CFD.

Never-the-less, I've been using IG's L2 for a few months now, and it's reliable, robust - perhaps not quite as good as GNI's Touch, but having the facility to move money where it's needed between SBing account and CFD account more than makes up for this. ( IMHO!!)
Good day.
I too have been made the same free offer, but I do not know what CFD trading is.

As I'm on this thread could you please give me a quick explanation please

"keep your ideals high enough to inspire you,and low enough to encourage tou"
City Trader

I think what Bramble means is you can trade CFD's with a spreadbetting company, like CMC

2 sides of the same firm
ColinRiche said:
City Trader

I think what Bramble means is you can trade CFD's with a spreadbetting company, like CMC

2 sides of the same firm

I guess so. At least I hope that's what he means!

That is what I mean.

Snip from original post - "May be of interest to those contemplating trading CFDs via a SB ..."

An SB such as IG, City, Finspreads etc

What did you think I meant?