IG Index fast execution times


Junior member
IG index (and IG markets) have lately been shouting about their fast execution times being less than .1 seconds for 99.5% of orders or something.

I thought the general consensus was that they didn't like / allow / play nicely with scalpers, but this seems designed specifically to attract them to their platform.

What's going on?
Bloke down the pub said.

Seriously, I thought that was the general consensus, from reading posts here anyway.

Not so?

I know Capital Spreads have said they don't want scalpers. I haven't heard anything from IG on this. All I know is their execution speed is pretty good and the spread's not amazing to scalp with. If you think about it, if someone makes 100 trades in a day on an SB platform, the SB company will love them.
I know Capital Spreads have said they don't want scalpers. I haven't heard anything from IG on this. All I know is their execution speed is pretty good and the spread's not amazing to scalp with. If you think about it, if someone makes 100 trades in a day on an SB platform, the SB company will love them.

only if they lose