Best Thread IG Index - Custom Betting

They won't be laughing when I'm doing £4,000 a bet on the EUR/USD over the next 2mins and they have no way to hedge it! haha Keep dreaming BigInTheCity!!! haha
You cant win on these on the long run.

IG have already moved the goal posts on many of the FX bets.

Originally you could bet for half hour expiries. Now the minimum expiry time is 1 hour.

The spread (cost to close out early) on custom FX bets has also widened since they were introduced.

IG must monitor all the custom bet markets, if certain bets are not making enough profit for them, then IG seem to take action to make things much harder for us.
Big, if you can make money via your directional forecasting then why not do traditional spread bets, far cheaper costs and less costs means more bottom line 🙂
I do mate, I trade with Oanda and have for nearly 10 years.

I think the Customs bets appeal to the gambler in me, so I do them aswell for abit of fun and spare change!
Yeah, i needed something to stop me over trading, as I used to go into self distruct mode if I lost a trade trying to win it back.

Now I just use Oanda to do 1 trade a day on EUR/USD for 5 pips. Once that is done I hit IG Custom bets to feed my need for action!!

It actually is helping me in the long run!
If only every week could be like this:


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Poor week, over cautious, didn't pull the trigger on serveral occasions!!! O well, there is always next week 😀


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Well this was the week I gave some money back to the forex gods 🙁


Roll on next week!!! 😛


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Right, I'm glad to say I made last weeks loss back and a little extra! And I literally mean a LITTLE bit extra!!

Profit for this week is £285.69

If you are wondering why the over all balance has gone down, I withdrew £500 first thing Monday morning to cover a few Christmas presents and alcohol! Can't beat spending free money :clap: lol

So the stats over all are:

594 Trades
£1,170.96 profit

All good fun 😀
Here we go.

Got a feeling next year is going to be fun 😉


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Another week done, shouldn't really of traded this week with liquidity being so thin. However I made a massive £38.69 for my efforts! haha

I hope everyone has a great Christmas, roll on January to get back trading! :clap:


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Can I ask how big your stake size is? It shows 100+ in the screenshot, so does this indicate £100 per point? - Im confused.

Hi Pi3141

You bet a fixed stake, on the outcome of the bet.

Let's say EUR/USD is trading at 1.3200 and you think it will be below that within 1 hour.

If you bet a stake of £100 on that, it wouldn't make any difference if it finished at 1.3100 or 1.3199, you would still get the same payout.

I hope that helps.


Well looks like my IG Index custom betting has come to an end, 846 trades later, £7,894 profit and I am on dealer referral. Pretty hard to even get in trades now, booooo!!!

Plus they have been saying for days that there is a technical error and they will call me back next week about withdrawing the remaining £3,444 from my account 🙁