IG index are thieves in my opinion please recommend a good broker

IGindex refused trading opposite directions today.Why?

can anyone help? first, I traded a particular rate at a but postion and again traded a sell postion. This is my usual strategy as I could leave postions open for days if not weeks. However, this morning, IGindex refused me opening positions in opposite directions. I fel its a free market and I should be the deciding what rate i trade. has anyone got an idea?

Secondly, itried closing a trade as i was going to TP at a certain rate but Igindex keeping telling me rate is not ready. could this a tactic to prevent me or anyone else from collecting profits.
Re: IGindex refused trading opposite directions today.Why?

first, I traded a particular rate at a but postion and again traded a sell postion. This is my usual strategy as I could leave postions open for days if not weeks. However, this morning, IGindex refused me opening positions in opposite directions.
You sound surprised. Did not you receive a call last week that they are going to make some changes to the platform?
6am - where can i find an overview of the changes? frantically searching my inbox cant see any email regarding it from them...?