IG for forex


Well-known member
Does anyone have experience of using IG (spreadbet) for fx trading.

I have been looking at them closely as they now offer mobile dealing (via p900 and soon XDA2) which for me is a really valuable feature.

Aside from slightly wider spot spreads compared to d4f (generally 2 pips more) does anyone have any feedack either positive or negative?

My trades generally last 1 to 3 days so wider spread is not a major concern for the benefit (to me) of having PDA dealing.
i haven't used but i'm thinking of using it but the issue of delayed execution of trades especially if the trade is ahigh value say a 1000 pounds a point is scaring me.take for instance the release of february us employment data the GBP/USd was flat 5 minutes later after the release of the numbers which were poor anywa y it rallied to about 240 points .if i had put in a 5000 pounds a point long orrder on the GBP/USd was ig going to accept the trade or not or in the worst case scenario refuse the trade coz obviously their spread aside one could ahve made a cool 1.25 million pounds but question is was ifg oing to accpept that or not
The experience I had of trading with IG was that there can be quite a wait to get fill confirmation and indeed sometimes, the egg timer was showing for nearly a minute. Also the platform has crashed on me while also taking down any other pages I had open.
take for instance the release of february us employment data the GBP/USd was flat 5 minutes later after the release of the numbers which were poor anywa y it rallied to about 240 points .if i had put in a 5000 pounds a point long orrder on the GBP/USd was ig going to accept the trade or not or in the worst case scenario refuse the trade coz obviously their spread aside one could ahve made a cool 1.25 million pounds but question is was ifg oing to accpept that or not

To be fair, I think you would have had a problem getting a £5 per point order filled at that particular time, let alone £5000!!. I doubt any SB co, or even fx/ futures broker would be able to give an instant, on line fill for that amount at a quiet time, let alone extremely volatile moments as that time was.

I think it will be a fair old while til I get to trading £5k per point!!