Icons of the hard Left.

The overall question is very often misinterpreted ( and by myself ) is not what would you do as supreme dictator ( which is highly unlikely ) but who and what principles would I like to rule this country. i.e. which bunch of nasties ( most of them are if unchecked ) do you want running the country and what safeguards against dictators, fraudsters, lyers and thieves would you like to see in place.
The overall question is very often misinterpreted ( and by myself ) is not what would you do as supreme dictator ( which is highly unlikely ) but who and what principles would I like to rule this country. i.e. which bunch of nasties ( most of them are if unchecked ) do you want running the country and what safeguards against dictators, fraudsters, lyers and thieves would you like to see in place.

In the Blair years scandals in Govt etc. were regular occurences. People like Mendelson were sacked for wrongdoings and miraculously restored to high office sometimes, by Blair.

The old adage of scum floating to the top is unfortunately only too true.
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And how do you yourself purposefully go about picking holes in the beliefs/arguments of politicians
chump, my query was specifically directed at Pat494 who was attempting to guide me on how to be a good citizen rather than a general request, but thank you for your direction.

While it will take some effort to attain the necessary Zen-like state required of removing bias and being humble it will be even more difficult to maintain that state when trading.
chump, my query was specifically directed at Pat494 who was attempting to guide me on how to be a good citizen rather than a general request, but thank you for your direction.

While it will take some effort to attain the necessary Zen-like state required of removing bias and being humble it will be even more difficult to maintain that state when trading.

If a person can't see that genocide, murder, war etc. are really not good policies to inflict on others then may I recommend some moral rehabilitation somehow. OK I know you are taking the p1ss a bit pretending to be a psychopath but really.................
If a person can't see that genocide, murder, war etc. are really not good policies to inflict on others then may I recommend some moral rehabilitation somehow. OK I know you are taking the p1ss a bit pretending to be a psychopath but really.................

Not sure how you got there from anything I've said, but it's probably my fault for imagining there would be some form of logical connection.

As for being a psychopath, I'm not pretending. Although I prefer to call if extreme focus and attention to detail. Almost obsessive.

Compulsive even.
Looks like Ed Milliband is nearly on the rocks from a dissatisfied Socialist Party. Will he survive ? Time will tell.
Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are rampant over their Scottish victory, could be a comeback on the books.
Ed is trying to get some radical left wing cred by proposing the sacking of the House of Lords. That's the sane House, silly boy !!
Ed Milipede is a dressed up version of Michael Foot-in-the-mouth; hard left and hopefully will be as successful in the election as his useless predecessor.
Ed Milipede is a dressed up version of Michael Foot-in-the-mouth; hard left and hopefully will be as successful in the election as his useless predecessor.

Have to agree the Left wing has lost its way. How much is TB worth currently ? £100 million or so ? Hideaway villas in the sun ETC. No minimum wage for top Lefties.
If only 'good intent' actually correlated with good outcomes I would be all for them. However, I have always thought of such people like Benn as being those who always show sympathy as opposed to empathy and invariably want to feed the recipients rather than teach them how to feed themselves. In a word, one of many architects of unforeseen consequences based upon good intentions which formed the nanny state we so enjoy today.Hope I am not being too deep. Could just have summarised it as save me from good intentions ,please. Can't be an hypocrite ,I thought he was an ******** when he was alive .I hope he's better for the transformation.

Can't agree with that. Look, for example, at his support of worker co-operatives. Now, you may say that it was misguided and doomed to fail, but wasn't he helping teach the workers how to "fish", and be their own bosses?

Capitalists should have approved. 😛

I actually dont believe in (unbridled) Capitalism, but one reason I (try to) trade is "if you can't join them, beat them". 😀
Have to agree the Left wing has lost its way. How much is TB worth currently ? £100 million or so ? Hideaway villas in the sun ETC. No minimum wage for top Lefties.

TB was never of the left, and never proper Labour, either. Just an egomaniacal opportunist.
1) We are in debt by design Pat. We cant 'reduce' our debt without reducing our money supply. They are the two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other under our current system. The monetary system is what needs changing imo.

Spot on. Are you a supporter of Positive Money? Not the only approach, but it's better than the present insane (unless you're a banker) system.
Spot on. Are you a supporter of Positive Money? Not the only approach, but it's better than the present insane (unless you're a banker) system.

Originally Posted by darktone
1) We are in debt by design Pat. We cant 'reduce' our debt without reducing our money supply. They are the two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other under our current system. The monetary system is what needs changing imo.

Who is we? When Darktone says by design, what does by design mean exactly?

Point is some people are cash positive with plenty of savings and assets. People get into debt for various reasons... Choice is made.
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Originally Posted by darktone
1) We are in debt by design Pat. We cant 'reduce' our debt without reducing our money supply. They are the two sides of the same coin, one cannot exist without the other under our current system. The monetary system is what needs changing imo.

Who is we? When Darktone says by design, what does by design mean exactly?

Point is some are cash positive with plenty of savings and assets. People get into debt for various reasons... Choice is made.

Not a clue what he is on about but perhaps he could explain a better monetary system