Ice Failure

Justine Bohan

Arbitrageur said:
how do you work that out?

If you had traded perfectly well all day and cleared a tidy profit, but at the end of the day you found you had been allocated random trades by the exchange for a big net loss, who would YOU be blaming?

"aww shucks, I'm such a bad trader" I dont think so
Hi Arbitrageur , I do not think alot of people realise, that because people go under sudo names, that there must be alot of people particularly sales desk trading companies, who pretend that they work alone, when in actual fact they more often than not, are working for a trading company, best lines, when you say a trading company did not close out the trade properly, old cliches rear there ulgy old heads, "is it when it reaches certain numbers" that you find your positions on trades difficult, another way to try to confuse the trader that something you are doing is amiss BULL****!! "and of course the workman" always blames his tools, funny that i have a Certifiate of Special Study in Computing, from the University of Westminster, i got 90 % on every test and was second in class. there is not much i do not know about computer programming believe me!!

Unfortunately, the kind of sales patter and old cliches they come out with, i can see right through, so i do not respond to people like that, does make me laugh you get buddy list, since when has anyone been a buddy when all we are doing is warring against each other, and the idea that sudo is diguising anyone, they could trace anyone within minutes whether you called your self pratt face !! At lets not forget, that on this pathic forum, we have nothing but advertisements emblazened, across each the pages, sign here for finspreads, etrade etc fro your trading platforms, if this forum was legitimate, do you really think they would have trading advertisements on it, ridiculous !!! Have just recieved another sales email from someone saying i should read Darvas "How I Made", of course when you start to click on it click away for ever till you then have to buy another stupid book, claiming how to make "millions". Trading stocks is not that difficult or reading charts, its just that over all, most markets and individual stocks do not move that much over a period of days, more like months, so when you get into trading initally you think there will be large moves everyday day, but this generally is not the case unfortunately ! as they would have you believe. Individual stocks, sure you can find hundreds every day to jump on, on a break out, but as the minutes tick away, you can only physically jump on a few, and then the move is so short a quick burst here a there, that for all the effort and stress, the overall profit combined with not actually being able to get off in time more often that not, and would you really trust any trading company out there, who is not going to be held responsible for mistakes to trade large, i think not!! how can you trust companies, that will not secure your money !! People with big egos, will continue to try, at what they have created the, impossible mountain to climb ! that they are much more clever, and eventually find the solutions, truth is trading stocks is not difficult, you do not have to be super intelligent, its the overall small moves that will kill your enthusiasm, and small profits, as if you would trust trading companies to bet large !! The Silver Spoon club, who leave school, to then go and work for Daddy, in the City, do not even have to get good grades !! have had money passed down from generations,and i should know i have worked for them, all there money is invested into stocks and bonds their whole lives so when, their stocks aren't doing so well, they tap into their bonds! They could never think up something clever enough, to share around because, unlike us, they have never had to work for it !! But to go on a steal slowly the average punters, few savings, when they have the large majority of money is digusting, look at all the stories coming out in the papers, City boss makes millions, millions bonuses, yeah ! out of all the small punters pockets thats why. If you cannot offer the average punter a fare crack at the whip, then really you are offering nothing !!

Justine Bohan
justinebohan said:
funny that i have a Certifiate of Special Study in Computing, from the University of Westminster, i got 90 % on every test and was second in class. there is not much i do not know about computer programming believe me!!
Justine Bohan


If all you have as a computer programmer is a great degree from a great university, then believe me, you know precious little about computer programming! A little less arrogance would go a long way.
SirFrancis said:

If all you have as a computer programmer is a great degree from a great university, then believe me, you know precious little about computer programming! A little less arrogance would go a long way.
Funny that because my boyfriend also works at the high end of IT has done for 17 years, now works for the government, i have also worked for all the major companies out there even universal films top film directors tony scott etc
At lets not forget, that on this pathic forum, we have nothing but advertisements emblazened, across each the pages, sign here for finspreads, etrade etc fro your trading platforms, if this forum was legitimate, do you really think they would have trading advertisements on it, ridiculous !!!

Perhaps you would rather the people that provide this forum do so for free, Justine? The advertising revenue the company receives is used to pay for salaries, content, technical support, hosting etc. and as such I don't understand why you think this compromises its legitimacy. There is nothing covert about the banner adverts - their intention and source is absolutely clear and they are kept separate from the content. Members are under no pressure to use their services. However, members found to be using the forum in an underhand manner, for instance to promote a commercial interest while writing under the guise of a satisfied customer, receive appropriately harsh treatment. If you don't approve of this arrangement then you are free to move elsewhere or start one of your own, though I hope you decide to stay.

Have just recieved another sales email from someone saying i should read Darvas "How I Made", of course when you start to click on it click away for ever till you then have to buy another stupid book, claiming how to make "millions".

Would you mind sending me a copy of the Email and the name of the person who sent it please? You can use the Private Message facility to do this (recipient frugi).

If they are a trade2win member they should not be doing this and action can be taken against them. Cheers.
frugi said:
Perhaps you would rather the people that provide this forum do so for free, Justine? The advertising revenue the company receives is used to pay for salaries, content, technical support, hosting etc. and as such I don't understand why you think this compromises its legitimacy. There is nothing covert about the banner adverts - their intention and source is absolutely clear and they are kept separate from the content. Members are under no pressure to use their services. However, members found to be using the forum in an underhand manner, for instance to promote a commercial interest while writing under the guise of a satisfied customer, receive appropriately harsh treatment. If you don't approve of this arrangement then you are free to move elsewhere or start one of your own, though I hope you decide to stay.

Would you mind sending me a copy of the Email and the name of the person who sent it please? You can use the Private Message facility to do this (recipient frugi).

If they are a trade2win member they should not be doing this and action can be taken against them. Cheers.
GoodBye fellow traders, i wish you all the best xx
jmreeve said:
Women, just typical!
to say to me that some people are " born smart while others are born lucky and smart ", you obviously did not read my email properly, you have the old cliches to hand, but to rob bit by bit the average punters savings, slowly by blaming it on IT computer problems, is not smart or lucky, because when you have bled them All dry on these trading platforms,

then where shall you, go !! please do not patronize my intelligence and my sex ! as all you do is add insult to as you so put it injury , with your tired old cliches !!
jimbo57 said:
Jimbo's post now deleted by mod as it was a wee bit too offensive, even for light-hearted banter
Oh and you the person who likes to kick when someone is down, well i have devised another way to make money, seems to me you senior members all club together when you see something you do not want to here, and you probably all work for trading companies bored out of your brains !! i' m ahead of the game, something you could never work out
I would have thought that in the case of a futures exchange such as the CME it is in their interest for traders to do large volume. The more volume transacted, the more exchange fees they collect. They have no interest in which traders win or lose as they collect these fees from both groups. Thus it is also in their interest to ensure utmost fairness and reliability for every participant. There is no conspiracy here and I am surpirsed by some of the problems others are reporting.

However, in the case of spreadbetting companies, for instance, where the traders are betting against the company not just against other traders, the situation is rather different and JB may have a point.
frugi said:
I would have thought that in the case of a futures exchange such as the CME it is in their interest for traders to do large volume. The more volume transacted, the more exchange fees they collect. They have no interest in which traders win or lose as they collect these fees from both groups. Thus it is also in their interest to ensure utmost fairness and reliability for every participant. There is no conspiracy here and I am surpirsed by some of the problems others are reporting.

However, in the case of spreadbetting companies, for instance, where the traders are betting against the company not just against other traders, the situation is rather different and JB may have a point.
Which futures exchange company on the CME would you recommend ?
Who do you use ? Justine
justinebohan said:
Which futures exchange company on the CME would you recommend ?
Who do you use ? Justine

Justine, the CME *is* a futures exchange.. presumably you are asking about Frugi's brokerage house?