IB problem : prices frozen


Hi everyone, I noticed yesterday at around 15.25 that my IB (interactive brokers) workstation prices just stopped updating.
To be more specific the prices for YM, NQ,ES, ER2 just stayed at the same prices ( the bid, ask last price were all in' red')
The European tickers were fine.
I restarted IB and prices were then okay, but as you'll see from a chart of YM I missed the trade of the day!
I just want to know if anyone else experienced this, before I contact IB.
Thanks for your help. 🙂
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I got logged out around that time-it sometimes does that for no good reason-are you going to the Feb 28th presentation?
Yes, in the past couple of days when I have logged in I get my stocks coming up without the prices. Prices were there earlier today but I have just logged in again and behold, no prices.
I used to have IB price problems a while back when using ym, but since started to trade es, everything has been fine. Ironically, this week I have been having problems with esignal es prices - lagging IB's by about 2 minutes or so (occured for about an hour)

Just out of interest, does anyone else have problems with esignal es not showing a tick here and there. Yesterday as es was heading down around 3pm-ish I noticed that IB had the low a tick further down than Esignal. The anomaly in price stayed with esignal until i refereshed the chart.
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the new workstation is just peachy! Try getting seperate pages for ESX options in that silly options trader thing-and option chains regularly disappear-it's actually a piece of crap tacked on to Timberhill's feeds-we're way down the chain,between Pre-Cambrian and Jurassic-anyone else subscribe to the hilarious Digitallook?
Windlesham1 said:
I got logged out around that time-it sometimes does that for no good reason-are you going to the Feb 28th presentation?

Hi I've been to one of Ib's talk's before and it was quite good, didn't know there was another one coming up!

I've noticed that clicking on the Account button on my TWS I am no longer getting the realized PnL on trades closed out.Is that just me?Or is that happening to everyone?
I shall be at next monday's seminar for IB. My problem is that the option pages often default to all strikes in all months-so when I open IB at 07:30 I have to restart the bloody thing about 10 times-it just jams up trying to download unavailable and excessive data. Also how the Hell do you rename option pages? I like to use several for different months of ESX-It's like software,but crappier!
PS anyone know how the hell to use OCA so it works?