Agreed in most part. I would say that profit potential in the S/H phones is limited, If you are one of the few your profit potential in trading is unlimted (within reason).
You could trade sim, will teach you the technical and managment side of things. If it goes well you can trade real money real small, that will teach you the emotional side, which is around 80% imo.
Are you sure you want to trade?
Am serious about "where does money come from?" Have you covered it yet?
i want to be able to apply the methodology i use to assess either stocks or currencies. when buying a phone I: look at the current price, where are they going for the lowest, will any new product come onto the market to bring down prices (iphone 4s affected iphone 4 price),what are my expected profits etc.
to answer the second question no we havn't actually 😕
im a first year though :smart: