I will make a £1000 before christmas, will you?

Agreed in most part. I would say that profit potential in the S/H phones is limited, If you are one of the few your profit potential in trading is unlimted (within reason).
You could trade sim, will teach you the technical and managment side of things. If it goes well you can trade real money real small, that will teach you the emotional side, which is around 80% imo.
Are you sure you want to trade?

Am serious about "where does money come from?" Have you covered it yet?


i want to be able to apply the methodology i use to assess either stocks or currencies. when buying a phone I: look at the current price, where are they going for the lowest, will any new product come onto the market to bring down prices (iphone 4s affected iphone 4 price),what are my expected profits etc.

to answer the second question no we havn't actually 😕

im a first year though :smart:

i want to be able to apply the methodology i use to assess either stocks or currencies. when buying a phone I: look at the current price, where are they going for the lowest, will any new product come onto the market to bring down prices (iphone 4s affected iphone 4 price),what are my expected profits etc.

to answer the second question no we havn't actually 😕

im a first year though :smart:


i want to be able to apply the methodology i use to assess either stocks or currencies. when buying a phone I: look at the current price, where are they going for the lowest, will any new product come onto the market to bring down prices (iphone 4s affected iphone 4 price),what are my expected profits etc.

to answer the second question no we havn't actually 😕

im a first year though :smart:

Id advise you just try and find ways to align yourself with price direction and manage your risk. Keep it simple.

If you could do me a favour and ask any of your lecturers "where does money come from?"
Id bet that most of the replies would start with "Errrm..." 😛

Where does money come from - YouTube
I just read all the posts at the forum.
You are trying to hold an argument with experienced people (me????????, no!, the other guys).
Your point can be valid. Just let me ask you this...., how many phones you should have to sell to make those 1,000 pounds?. if you were the only seller with a little investment and a lot of work you could make it, but you will be not. From an economic point of view, each need is somehow covered and satisfied, so each new actor in the markets must pay a price to get in - investment, marketing, knowledge, beeing fooled (i know it is the same as the previous but it is important), and so forth -, so to pay the price to get into the markets you wll need to make some degree of investment (to say the least).
Now lets start from the beggining. How much do you need to invest, for how long, to make those 1,000 pounds?. I am sure you will not have - the most probable scenario - by christmas, which does not mean you will not.
My point is that it will not be as easy as it sounds, for you and now, to make 1,000 bucks for Christmas.
It is very easy to make numbers, your mission if you decide to take it (this tape will be destroyed in 5, 4, 3, 2....) is to translate those (happy) numbers to a reality.
I am not trying to discourage you, go ahead, but go ahead with your feet on the ground.
I just read all the posts at the forum.
You are trying to hold an argument with experienced people (me????????, no!, the other guys).
Your point can be valid. Just let me ask you this...., how many phones you should have to sell to make those 1,000 pounds?. if you were the only seller with a little investment and a lot of work you could make it, but you will be not. From an economic point of view, each need is somehow covered and satisfied, so each new actor in the markets must pay a price to get in - investment, marketing, knowledge, beeing fooled (i know it is the same as the previous but it is important), and so forth -, so to pay the price to get into the markets you wll need to make some degree of investment (to say the least).
Now lets start from the beggining. How much do you need to invest, for how long, to make those 1,000 pounds?. I am sure you will not have - the most probable scenario - by christmas, which does not mean you will not.
My point is that it will not be as easy as it sounds, for you and now, to make 1,000 bucks for Christmas.
It is very easy to make numbers, your mission if you decide to take it (this tape will be destroyed in 5, 4, 3, 2....) is to translate those (happy) numbers to a reality.
I am not trying to discourage you, go ahead, but go ahead with your feet on the ground.

i will post my results as i go
The comparison of risk between an experienced online ebayer and a noob trader is irrelevant. There is no way to verify the sales you are posting. You might as well have bought it for 1 euro and sold it for 1001 euro and called it a year.

I've seen enough. The lulz is dissapating...

today i sold the apple iphone 3gs for 250 euro (bought for 210)

But you had to pay an insertion fee + final value fee (10%) + pay pal fees so might have come out on top about 15 being generous?

I was thinking of selling some stuff on there but didn't fancy getting ripped off.
But you had to pay an insertion fee + final value fee (10%) + pay pal fees so might have come out on top about 15 being generous?

I was thinking of selling some stuff on there but didn't fancy getting ripped off.

on certain days there are no insertion fee ( the day i sold)

also, the fee for postage is 15 euro but costs me 7.50 sell. so the profit im expecting is about 45/50 euro.

thanks! :cheesy:
How do final value fees work? I can't work it out....is it really 10%?!? If I sell a £250 voucher for £250 am I really going to have to give ebay £25?!?
So do you have another ebay account because I don't see the business you described in post #1?
So do you have another ebay account because I don't see the business you described in post #1?

i operate mostly on non-auction (like craigslist etc) website at the moment but want to switch to ebay.

this thread is going off topic might i add