I want to Open a Bank

I was project manager for a building comany once, I asked a paddy to build me a wall and then I asked the university graduate to build me a wall. Both walla were perfect in every way. The paddy stopped building at 3pm the university graduate was still building at 7pm on the evening. When I questioned him, he replyied 'You never told me to stop'
See even more evedence that University Graduates have tons of qualiforactions but no common sence 🙂

My 5 yr old was opening a tin of beans the other day, our baby sitter came to look after him, she is traning to be a teacher.
I told her to help her self with food and sugested she have some soup and heat it up in the microwave.
She said so I just put the tin in the microvave for 20 mins and open the tin and eat it ?
Indeed this is true, we dont stand a chance and our kids will be having lessons from people like her.

Not all Uni Graduates are stupid, some work for SB Frims LOL 🙂 🙂
If you have... oooh, $5m (?) and you know what you're talking about (??) you could do it offshore...

... no-one is going to deposit any money with you, and it'd cost a fair bit to run, but you'd have your Bank.
No need to set up a new bank. you could buy enough of RBS at 13p a share 😀 though watch out for brown and darling who will probably take it back off you for nothing 😱
Maybe we should start a T2W bank! We could all deposit our money in it and some of the good traders in here could actually trade it for a cut in the profits... Seriously, there is a lot of talent in here, we could put it to good use!


Your right, there is some realy good well talented people here, if all coild get together and agree on a stratogy I can see it been sucsessfull.

The down side is that I bet we could not even agree a place or time where to meet up
I was project manager for a building comany once, I asked a paddy to build me a wall and then I asked the university graduate to build me a wall. Both walla were perfect in every way. The paddy stopped building at 3pm the university graduate was still building at 7pm on the evening. When I questioned him, he replyied 'You never told me to stop'
See even more evedence that University Graduates have tons of qualiforactions but no common sence 🙂

The point of this story is, what, that grads are slower at building walls, but just as quality-conscious as other people? Your spelling is ridiculous.

My 5 yr old was opening a tin of beans the other day, our baby sitter came to look after him, she is traning to be a teacher.
I told her to help her self with food and sugested she have some soup and heat it up in the microwave.
She said so I just put the tin in the microvave for 20 mins and open the tin and eat it ?
Indeed this is true, we dont stand a chance and our kids will be having lessons from people like her.

This story is as made-up as you are tedious.
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Doo not lusten too the nokkers. Most off thim ahh lossers.

If yu belive then yoo can doo it.

Doo not lusten too the nokkers. Most off thim ahh lossers.

If yu belive then yoo can doo it.

Anley if either of you ever open so much as a chip shop I will pay a visit in order to deep fry my genitals in batter, season then devour them.
come on children, play time is over.

Right, some weeks ago I asked you to start using the spell checker.
Clearly you think it's amusing to continue posting....even when the members bring it to your attention.

So...any further posts with crap spelling will be deleted.
If you persist after this...then all your posts will be deleted.

Clear enough ?
Hey counter violent you deleted my post and corrected your spelling mistake?! Thats not fair it was funny! Did I break a rule or something?
