I think all of us have been here at some point.dgtrading - this is you at the moment
People on here are trying to help you - but you seemed to be determined to fail and no-one's gonna stop you.
I think all of us have been here at some point.dgtrading - this is you at the moment
People on here are trying to help you - but you seemed to be determined to fail and no-one's gonna stop you.
thanks for the support 👍 it seems like others in this thread are hasty to provide the opposite
yes I am aware that price can explode in any direction at any point in time however I have studied enough charts to put the odds significantly in my favour, and I am not risking large chunks of my account on any one trade.
I have been trading for almost 2 years now so my experience is building up.
thanks for the support 👍 it seems like others in this thread are hasty to provide the opposite
Clearly every institutional trader, who's employer pays possibly hundreds of thousands a year on the best news feeds, trades off charts alone.don't mind the rest of them..you can easily see those who know what it is all about..just look at new_trader's post and compare the rest..talk about the same old story:cheesy:
keep on as you are..no rush..markets are going nowhere..just remember that a lost opportunity can cost you a lot more than a small loser..so..get to know the best times to trade..and use them to your advantage
like new_trader said..
"Once you understand how to read the price action of one instrument, you will be able to trade any market."
and he is 100% correct..forget about all else..as the textbook stuff will do nothing but cost you time and money
Once you understand how to read the price action of one instrument, you will be able to trade any market.
Clearly every institutional trader, who's employer pays possibly hundreds of thousands a year on the best news feeds, trades off charts alone.
Clearly every institutional trader, who's employer pays possibly hundreds of thousands a year on the best news feeds, trades off charts alone.
we are not worried about those who trade with other people's money..we are only interested in trading our own money..and ignoring what anyone elses says or does..as it can only have a negative affect on our results..due to the realities of life..which for some silly reason..most are happy to ignore..even when their results show them they are just wasting their time
don't mind the rest of them..you can easily see those who know what it is all about..just look at new_trader's post and compare the rest..talk about the same old story:cheesy:
keep on as you are..no rush..markets are going nowhere..just remember that a lost opportunity can cost you a lot more than a small loser..so..get to know the best times to trade..and use them to your advantage
like new_trader said..
"Once you understand how to read the price action of one instrument, you will be able to trade any market."
and he is 100% correct..forget about all else..as the textbook stuff will do nothing but cost you time and money
Your point being what? That a newbie should pay hundreds of thousands a year on the best news feeds?
That cost is for multiple licences not one :whistling
As i say so often, it's become boring, have you even bothered to read his opening post.........?
Lost £2200 and £500 left.........even a muppet can do the maths on that one...🙄
dgtrading..if you really want some worthwhile feedback..then post your last 10 losing trades..showing instrument..trade dates and times..entry and exit levels..you might be amazed what feedback you might get
you can post some winners if you like also..but 10 losers is the minimum requirement
what is your point..silly statements like that are meaningless🙄
I appreciate your encouragement.
and i appreciate the offer for feedback, but I don't want other minds interfering with my thought process, as stated before I have analysed every single losing trade of mine and found a mistake in my technical analysis every time, i'm not clutching at straws I am genuinely developing a feel for the market, and my instinct to keep me out of bad trades is improving every week.
ahh I sound so bigheaded