I want to be an airline pilot and trader?

ive got asthma but if I didn't I would join the RAF pronto and try to fly jets.

but i do so I cant but my traing would be better of someone brought those warm towels around.
mushroom snorting? i think u eat them and LMFAO i only did them like who cares they are just shrooms not like cocaine or something like that. I'm going to be a pilot and invest some of the money i make from flying into the market that way i will retire rich and still live my dream job... as for mushrooms and growing lmfao already did it pretty fun stuff actually its all just SCIENCE lol btw we are talking about oyster mushrooms right? LOL
and most girls on wall street are gold diggers how will i ever find love that way? flight attendants give great rides..

and i do mine with orange juice and lemons they act as a MAOI...
Party on, Dude! I was just kidding anyways. One of my colleagues is a pilot who has a licence and goes flying periodically. So you can do whatever you wanna do. Just don't do shrooms at the same time and you'll be just fine.
Everything I Know About Trading, I Learned in Flight School.

Takeoffs are optional, landings are required.

There are old pilots and bold pilots but no old bold pilots.

There are two kinds of retractable gear pilots; those who have landed with the gear up and those that will.

A "good" landing is one which you can walk away from. A great landing is one which lets you use the airplane another time.

Remember, you're always a student in an airplane.

Keep looking around; there's always something you've missed.

You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back.

The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in aviation are:
"Why is it doing that?"
"Where are we?"
"Oh Sh1t!"

That is really fascinating answer, i find it the most appropriate and full. Great thought and figures of speech!
Let me help you think with your big head instead of your little head.
Imagine you are a hot chick.
Do you want to meet a guy who works here:

Or here:

I will leave you to think about it.

i'll make the decision a little easier for you.........

uhh well flying is funner... i know if i get rich on wall street ill be able to fly my own planes but if it never happens then what suicide? lol in all seriousness flying is my main passion. trading is a new found passion.. the other day i did mushrooms and now im questioning myself and my future.. my inner thoughts came out instead of my materialistc desires.. plus i can always trade on my own and if i fail o well ill still be a pilot unfortuantly if i choose wall street first then fail then what..ill be broke as a joke.. AVIATION IT IS.... AVIATION IS my destiny who knows maybe ill meet the lady of my dreams in a plane... doubt id want to marry some wall street whore. lol no offense but if a girl is workin on wall street shes not very feminine like most women hate risk..
well real women not the materalistic ones dont care what a guy does in fact ive been asking this question with some hott girls i know and they said airline pilot because wall street folks tend to become cynical and that is true...
espicially girls who are more culturally oriented and like to travel would go for the airline pilot and thats the type of girl i require...
girls also like handsome younger looking guys and wall street is stressful which is turn does harm to your health flying a plane atleast for me is the greatest feeling of being alive.. in fact one of the main reasons i got interested in the stock market a good 6 years ago was because i wanted to become financially wealthy so i could buy planes/a private airport and fly whenever whereever...
also im still in direction to be a trader its just i wasent sure wether i should A. keep saving money for trading right now or B. start flying lessons again and work towards becoming an airline pilot. When i transfer schools i will have some ratings already and thin kabout how awesome that would be for a date to take a chick up that loves traveling/flying like me? or i could juts keep doing what im doing and saving money which is boring and i make min wage .. so this way when im done with my degree in finance i can get a busienss job perhaps in trading and pay off school and get all my flight training done then i can go on to airlines and make decent money while all the same still trading my own account and make more money.. over a 20 year period ill still end up financially stable at the very least.. whilst not becoming cynical.

basically im saying screw my track record i rather fly and have fun right now instead of soo many years from now... we only live once why save up for something that may or may not happen? trading is uncertain. one this is certain if i dont become a pilot ill be miserble ...

and you can have the blonde wall street golddiggers that suck any millionaires ****... dirty girls they are.. i want a nice lovable wifey type..
yes i was thinking the same martingale he is wanting to be a trader or a pilot based on the girls he can get?!

do you know who think like that?



(ot may people on mushrooms when i did muchroom they were rubbish i just went to sleep mostly)
no virgin and not doing shrooms lmfao. in fact im quite the ladys man.. mhmm im russian girls love us.. its like whats your name? ny answer girls"omg are you russian me yes ohh that sooo sexy me love you long time LMFAO

the shrooms were used as a meditation type ritual and it let me free of my materialistic desires... and they let me see what i really am and who i really want to be.. not some cynical wall street banker lmfao
How many times are going to post your desire to be a trader in the 'General Career Advice' forum? Although it's very nice of you to mix things up a bit by chucking the whole pilot thing in here as well.

Stop jacking off on the internet, get off your **** and go and be something then. What are you looking to get out of these threads? The more times you post about it, the less likely you are to go and be it. You want to be a pilot, fantastic - just let me know which airline you get hired by so I can avoid it.
the shrooms were used as a meditation type ritual and it let me free of my materialistic desires...

that why you want to be a trader then?

you sound a lot like a hippy to me and as such, although I'm far from an expert, I doubt you'd be cut out for work at all much less these demanding professions. A shrooming pilot? :S

Have you considered opening an organic herbal tea stand near a starbucks with with some funding from some sort of green hippy g'ment initiative?