well basically i have been figuring out some setups and have (almost) figured one out, i think.
i don't care if you say ' secret setups dont exist' if you are here to say that don't bother posting.
I'm certain that large traders use this particular strategy/formula/setup and it causes quite significant price moves in stocks.
My worry is whether or not to continue with this; as im sure that those large traders would be using dark pools, surely that is non public information, and trading such a setup would just be like front running?
is it illegal to trade this setup ? if so, is it illegal to wait until after the block trade has occurred, and then trade with it, even if it has a tendency to reverse market direction?
wll i meant off the book orders, and im certain that traders will be trading this setup off the bookYou appear to not understand what a dark pool is or when those trades get reported. There is a difference between a block trade between 2 parties and what happens in dark pools. So - if your assumption is "block trade" = "dark pool", then you are very much mistaken.
As the rest of your post hinges on this large trader/dark pool action you think you are identifying, it's pointless to discuss such things until you go off and learn a little more about the stock markets and the various ways trades can occur off book.
No, it's not a wind up, he's an annoying idiot
You will never be in a position of any liability whatsoever unless you work in a firm or unless someone who works in a firm is giving you direct information. On that basis alone you should be able to see where you stand.
illegal, lol
Since we're on pointless questions, why were all the FAQ thread's posted in at 7:49? I think it is a conspiracy.
finally; why?