I started with Stanzione 6 years ago


Hi my name is Andy,

I have been spread trading for nearly 6 years now. I had no experience at all about the stock market then and decided to read a few classics to get me on my way, such "Armchair tycoon" and "Poolside "tycoon". i dabbled in stocks but had little success and realised it was not for me. Some how i got put onto Vince Stanzione and signed up for his £400 course .It made sense straight away but i could not help feeling the promotion was tacky and if he was so successful why hassle him self with the general public on such a difficult to succeed trading method? Vince said it himself 90% loose 10% win if you want to join the 10%you have to regimented and disciplined.

Well i dived in straight away with CMC markets in with 1£ bets gettin it all wrong leavng limit and stops open causing myself to be liquidated. So every year i set aside a few grand that i was prepared to loose and loose i did , but each time i did manage to learn and the more i learnt the more i realised the information Vince was selling for £££££ was available free on the internet. Vince then started a betonmarkets acount where allegedly these trades were his live trade trades ..... complete ..ollocks they were random and most of the time big losses. That little scam finished quickly. Then it was his weekly spreadbetting acount available for anyyone to see and copy for a monthly fee, again complete fiction. It took some years i think year 3 when i realised Vince Stanzione was advertising to 90% loosers exactly the people who would buy his products and belief the cheesy hype about making x amounts and were not suited to spread tarding at all.

Lets just make it clear this is not sour grapes as i had made money and lost and would put my self at that time about even.

I decided to take a break look at the markets trade in what i know being paid in dollars for many years made me very aware of the GDPUSD for a start.

3 years later i still work in my normal job offshore half of the year and trade the rest, its going really well. So its just some advice for would sprebetters if you are prepared to learn and learn discipline start small always keep learning , dont get greedy,keep the discipline in place there is no reason why you cannoy make a carrer from spretrading.
Good luck.
BetOnMarkets - The smarter way to trade

Vince made £27,000 in the past 10 days -- apparently. I read once that he a stockholder of this company. So he could put up fake earnings.

Someone else caught him falsifying his IG Account for marketing purposes.

He claims that he likes to help people but real traders don't; they just keep the good stuff to themselves -- it's human nature.

Of course he could be making money and is just greedy for more. But I have seen no evidence in the past 7 years that he consistently makes money from spread betting. Fixed odds, maybe. It's easier.
BetOnMarkets - The smarter way to trade ... another £27,500 in the past 10 days ... either this guy's hot on fixed odds or lending his name (Vincenzo) for false marketing purposes. Any way of independently checking whether Bet on Markets' winners earnings are genuine? Is this an aspect of regulation in the Isle of Man (or anywhere?).