I need qualifications!!!


Junior member
So I have a little problem that I though i would share.

How to I get into the industry of securities. I have no formal education but a quick google has led me to a CFA or SII. I'm totally confused!

I know the CFA requires a degree or fours years full time work experience within the industry. I have neither.

Where do I possibly start. I'm sick of reading random books and I have decided it is time to make best use of my knowledge and do some courses.

Should I do a degree in international finance? Or is that overkill. Should I just do selfstudy or what? Anyone with any links to a distance learning course would greatly appreciated. Thanks.
hi there,
It depends on your career direction. Yes, having a degree can't hurt you but, the reality is that most stuff school teaches you can be learned by going to your local library and start reading textbooks voraciously. I also recommend reading academic journals as you gain depth of finance knowledge. I like to comment more but, my computer is lagging so much.....maybe i will be back later...
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Back...if you like to become a member of professional bodies such as CPA, yes, you do need formal qualifications (ie degree in accounting). There are finance companies that recruit people from all kinds of displines (not just finance) so,as i said, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Hope it helps... 🙂

remember....degree=singalling effect

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