i just joined - account

Will you give us a total p/L position?

from the 1st day i join until today, i think its current down about -52% 🙄😆 but im ok with it because its just small money, all the statement is live account thou.. i'll keep posting whenever theres closed position. if this acc went down the drain i'll start pamm on my own, i know theres a legit broker provide such service
GJ - keep at it, you will soon feel the love.

Plus - you have to admit - you keep returning too !
I do want a bit more clarity, but I must admit I'm on the edge of my seat each time I read this
Is it possible to tell us in advance what the trades will be please, so we can take the other side of the trades?
Is it possible to tell us in advance what the trades will be please, so we can take the other side of the trades?

no, the reporting is update on website. the pamm system doesnt give out MT4 read-only password to prevent duplicate trades
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