I have an appeal i am stuck in to much losses

what I see right now, and is of no help at this time obviously, is a failing support and resistance method, this is quite clear from a 1hr chart this was being attempted. if not the above then that's an even worse situation for the future, but it would still mean back to babypips school for you samekhan.

easy to say in hindsight and with no money on the line, but putting that hedge in at the resistance point without any apparent break through did considerable damage in itself.


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i see about £6k down the pipe ?

just close all trades and start fresh (in demo !!) as i have now repeatedly said

even hedged trades just roll around the closet as clutter in your head and remind and worry you ..you need to be free of this historic mess to start fresh

again if its any consolation i am sure theres plenty of us here who lave lost more than this at times over the years ....i have i know ......its all part of the learning .....you wont do it again ...right ?

don't worry the expert traders are on their way (y)

well I've got to say the responses on this really are lacking in imagination
in the ops shoes would i really be closing my positions? I doubt it
I would probably remortgage my home, sell my wife and daughter and double up on all of my positions. they will come good eventually, surely?
skype me, email me, page me, telegram me, fax me on
idontknowwhatthe****imdoing.com where sound advice really matters!

please check this image

Aside from the small gbp trade you have locked in your losses by now having equal eur positions both long and short. Thus you are in just the same position you would be in if you had closed out all those positions. A slightly worse position actually because you are still racking up overnight charges.
Aside from the small gbp trade you have locked in your losses by now having equal eur positions both long and short. Thus you are in just the same position you would be in if you had closed out all those positions. A slightly worse position actually because you are still racking up overnight charges.

he is buying more time in case anyone has a rescue plan to get him out of the hole :cheesy: ..
Well my advice would be not to panic it's not that bad. Had worse.

Close the shorts and keep the longs would be my advice.

Dollar index is falling.

In case market moves against you have a mental figure on how much of that money you are prepared to lose and act mercilessly if trade goes in opposite direction.

That doesn't mean buy in opposite direction. It means close losers ASAP.

Hope it works out. (y)
........I recommend you max out your credit cards and borrow as much money from family and friends as you possibly can and then add to your losing positions. When the market turns in your favour (which it will do eventually), you'll be back to break even in no time at all and, thereafter, your losing position(s) will quickly turn into very profitable ones. You can then repay your family and friends with interest. They'll think you're a trading god and insist that you keep their money to trade on their behalf. You'll do that and make you and them multi-millionaires in no time at all.


well I've got to say the responses on this really are lacking in imagination
in the ops shoes would i really be closing my positions? I doubt it
I would probably remortgage my home, sell my wife and daughter and double up on all of my positions. they will come good eventually, surely?

Apologies for my late attendance:

It's good to hear from the risk averse from time to time. It would seem to me that a combination of the two strategies almost guarantees "success", though I do use the term somewhat loosely here.

All good approaches include an element of timing so perhaps you could set out the order of the maxed out credit cards / remortgaging the house / selling one's female relatives...... I'm concerned that if the cascade is set up the wrong way there might be a possibility of actually surviving the experience.

Another point that I feel needs some clarification is the market into which the female relatives are to be sold to generate the maximum return in the shortest possible time.

I await your illumination with baited breath.