i believe most of them are crap. if they actually believed in their system they wo

Well, what I always say is don't knock it til you rock it. And $300 to $600 daily is easy.

I'm serious, when the next webinar comes up I'll post the link and you guys can come see for yourselves.

Then maybe you won't be so hoity toity.

Oh, and before you think this is another one of those epic threads where post troll ends up pwning himself, I have to mention that I've been a member of the forum for a while. I actually came here to find out more information about futures a couple months back. Just recently partnered up with Simon, as he lives right by me anyway. Friend of the family.

I just saw this as an opportunity to say that you can't just go knocking everyone 'cause you got the short end of the stick in a deal.

If you can post proof I will join. When I say proof I'm talking about account statements independently audited. Then I won't have a problem believing you.
The successful traders keep quiet. They don't want the masses destroying liquidity by trading their system.

It is also a far more profitable/better use of their time trading/playing golf than becoming a teacher.

The old adage applies here.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
Personally, I was mentored in the game, although the system I was taught has gone through many transformations to suit my particular preferences.
Trading is a bit like death,..it's a solitary exercise, which derives it's own unique experience !
My Point being,..use other folks knowledge where ever possible, using ones skill at discernment,..for it is an empty vessel that holds no substance,..(fk,..that was poetic,.even for me)
; )
^^^That's some truth right there. One of SImons students has done quite well for himself and had adapted his technique to fit his own needs. I also do things a bit differently too. But it's good to know some basics from different techniques to apply to your own strategy.

And I've noticed that EA's are nearly useless. They work for a little while, then royally screw up. There are just too many factors in a trading market that moves the market for a computer to figure it out.

And I don't think I have permission to post personal funds, but each day he lets us know if he hits his profit target for the day. Sometimes he announces that he's made x amount of dollars by 9:30. And like I said, he lives a few mins away from me and comes over once in a while. So it's not like hes some unapproachable guy.

Don't worry, it's free to view a webinar. You don't have to pay for anything at all. So I don't see why you need proof of his gains in order to check out something free.

Either way, alot of his students have been very successful thanks to his teachings.

It's hard to believe that someone who is capable can teach, but I guess some people are just naturally nice. He'd rather have an EA do his trading for him so he can live his life. But instead he chooses to teach people how to get into the market safely.

And I don't think I have permission to post personal funds, but each day he lets us know if he hits his profit target for the day. Sometimes he announces that he's made x amount of dollars by 9:30. And like I said, he lives a few mins away from me and comes over once in a while. So it's not like hes some unapproachable guy.

Don't worry, it's free to view a webinar. You don't have to pay for anything at all. So I don't see why you need proof of his gains in order to check out something free.


Theres a million crappy systems being promoted, none of which stand up to scrutiny. Why would anyone waste 2 weeks of their time on your free demo when you cant or wont prove its profitable in advance? You cant post a statement for 2 reasons, either you dont trade so dont have one or its not profitable, simple as that.

Same old scam, different scammer.
Do you read my posts thoroughly or just pick out certain words here and there and conjure up an elementary response?

I guess since you were so hot on trying to disprove it, you didn't notice that I said it's not mine. I'm a student/partner. I help him with his webinars when he has them, and also test any EA's he comes up with. You come to the webinar, and ask the other students about their success. If you think it's a scam then it's your loss for making an assumption.

Oh, and the free trial has been reduced to 2 days due to the fact that student need to actually learn. The teaching is limited in those two days because there is a lot to learn. He's been scammed himself too many times. Also, if you look around for other "teachers" you'll see they charge upwards of $10k for their course. We have a few students who have joined after the webinars that have paid $16k for a course, but felt that the 2 days free trial with Simon were much more valuable. I'm not making this up to be a marketer. This is true.

I just started trading futures in January. I had no idea what moved the markets, or how to even trade. In a couple weeks I picked it up pretty fast and was making my own trades. And I'm still learning. I've never traded before. I had knowledge of the forex market so I knew a little bit about reading charts. But I basically started at square one and now I'm relatively knowledgeable.

When I post up a webinar, I want to see you in there checking it out. You can ask as many questions as you want.

You don't have to buy anything. You don't even have to join up if you don't want to. Just check it out for yourself, and ask Simon the questions. Better yet, email him. He's always quick to reply. You can find his email on the site.

I don't have any beefs with you at all, and I certainly understand your viewpoint. But like I said before, don't knock it til you rock it.

And I've noticed that EA's are nearly useless. They work for a little while, then royally screw up. There are just too many factors in a trading market that moves the market for a computer to figure it out.

I help him with his webinars when he has them, and also test any EA's he comes up with.

The triumph of hope over experience eh, to borrow from Samuel Johnson.

And I don't think I have permission to post personal funds,
I think the person who asked for this was thinking of yours rather than Simon's. Or do you have a non-disclosure agreement covering your own personal funds? Maybe so your wife can't see them ...?

But what I really want to know is where "spenceriowa" fits into all this.
I notice that he has been strangely quiet since making his initial post, which, at the time of my writing this, seems to be his only post on T2W. His work now done, has he retired?
Is he your neighbour on the other side? What is this - Trader's Alley?

Yes this is a shameless plug
Now that's something we can agree on.
The successful traders keep quiet. They don't want the masses destroying liquidity by trading their system.

It is also a far more profitable/better use of their time trading/playing golf than becoming a teacher.

The old adage applies here.

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.

I honestly don't know about this.

Imagine you are doing as you put it and you can make £10,000 per month consistently from your trading. That's success right there.

Now imagine you can get just 250 subscribers paying you £199 per month to learn how to do what you do. That's £49,750 per month. And that's also success right there.

Trading is about using your skill and knowledge of the markets to make more money. With that in mind, why on earth would you not teach instead?

That is without even mentioning a few important considerations:

1. You can compound your trading: as your account increases you can make more than say 10k per month. But this is much the same with teaching. As word of mouth spreads, so you can get more clients.

2. Trading has much more risk than teaching.

3. If you swing or position trade you can trade whilst you teach.

Seems like a no brainer to me.

Mind you I don't have a business teaching.

So who's the mug here?
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I agree with some of TD's points, once I moved back up to (and have stayed) with swing trading forex I realised I could easily manage trades (across up to 9 pairs) and do other things. That curiosity naturally extended to what other new trading related projects could I start up or be involved with..I'm involved with 2 that have a point of difference in what can be a very crowded marketplace complimenting my full time swing trading *job*..

I'd also like to explore/discuss what I believe to be a long standing and embedded trading myth in relation to this Gollum style protection of the precious Holy Grail strategy and why folk wouldn't give it up once found.

We all know of the site forex strats revealed, I pointed the guys on the net trap thread to it a couple of weeks back. Each one of those strats *work*, but you could find/create the holy grail (which does exist, in you) and folk would still 'mess it up'.

The thought that everyone in the 3 tril T/O per day forex market place could and would suddenly follow a single winning strat. is nonsense, which is why folk can continue to create their harmless marketing packages and gimmicks for $200 at will. Even If 10,000 stuck to it like glue the forex world would not go tits up.

Millions of traders will buy sell on zero MACD, millions will trade on a slow MA crossing a faster EMA, millions will use Bollies, PA, RSI crossing 70 or 30, pivots and S&R all on 1 min TFs right up to dailys/weeklys. it matters not a jot to the market, it's too vast and very diverse. The market would not be *moved* if 10,000 folk bought (and used) the same holy grail strat., it'll never move the market unless they all hit really big. The only issue could be if 10,000 spreadbetters suddenly all took the exact same trade at, for example, capital spreads, they wouldn't get filled.

I have a winning edge, but heh it works only for me. For now ( I and it will evolve) it appears to be a perfect fit for me in terms of my; psyche, the dedication I have given towards this new career and my overall skill set as a human being. My edge does not just have at its core "buy here, sell there", the discretion is huge so there's the first point at which my edge could not be *bottled*.

Also, and I'm generalising before anyone jumps up and says "I did" you cannot and will not over make decent money doing this job part time. Unless you are prepared to give up the day job and embrace trading as a life style full time occupation you will never 'make it'. Sorry to say but that's the reality and that's were most fail right there and no amount of teaching and or holy grail of strats. will change that. You will not suddenly hand in your notice because your night owl trading has overtaken your day job in terms of income..

Again as a reference take a look at the Net Trap thread as the childish enthusiasm begins to wain. Are these the guys who will take a net book out with them and fire it up once they've finished a work out? Are these the guys that'll check price at 1am and every waking hour/half hour? Will they plan their whole existence around trading? Will they watch thousands of trading vids, read countless trading newsletters, e-mails, discuss ask questions on various forums each day, visit 20+ different trading sites each day to keep up to speed, or spend half an hour having a mind dump on T2W before getting off and spending time with the kids? 😉

In summary for the thread starter to suggest all systems are crap is nonsense, as stated each one of those forex strats. revealed methods could work, in the right hands, systems fail, but humans fail more...
Re: Thoughts...

The thought that everyone in the 3 tril T/O per day forex market place could and would suddenly follow a single winning strat. is nonsense, which is why folk can continue to create their harmless marketing packages and gimmicks for $200 at will. Even If 10,000 stuck to it like glue the forex world would not go tits up.

Millions of traders will buy sell on zero MACD, millions will trade on a slow MA crossing a faster EMA, millions will use Bollies, PA, RSI crossing 70 or 30, pivots and S&R all on 1 min TFs right up to dailys/weeklys. it matters not a jot to the market, it's too vast and very diverse. The market would not be *moved* if 10,000 folk bought (and used) the same holy grail strat., it'll never move the market unless they all hit really big. The only issue could be if 10,000 spreadbetters suddenly all took the exact same trade at, for example, capital spreads, they wouldn't get filled.


Very nice post .

If 10,000 users are buying mio each within a 15 minute period on any forex pair, liquidity would certainly dry up especially on the lower liquidity pairs.
Thank you Black Swan, as always, thoughtful, informative and constructive criticism where and when it's due, twined with a wake up alarm call. It's up to the individual to keep putting the alarm bell on "snooze". Eventually we will wake up, it's only a matter of time, and accept the reality that It takes considerable amount of time and effort to formulate a plan suitable only to the individual, which will put the odds slightly in our favour. That is just the start.

We forget our formidable opponent, OUR selves, the enemy within. There will be psychological and mental factors to overcome. When real money goes on the line, you better have a strong "ticker" because i guarantee you it will beat twice as fast, you will sweat without moving from your seat. System testing or following is an inevitable part of learning. For it's within testing that we find our own path.

I apologise if my analogy contradicts or offends any member, as i am not an expert trader, just putting my view through.
The triumph of hope over experience eh, to borrow from Samuel Johnson.
Yeah, sure. Whoever he is.

I think the person who asked for this was thinking of yours rather than Simon's. Or do you have a non-disclosure agreement covering your own personal funds? Maybe so your wife can't see them ...?

No funds at all. Demo account actually. Simon doesn't want his students trading live for the 90 days they are learning because of common mistakes.

But what I really want to know is where "spenceriowa" fits into all this.
I notice that he has been strangely quiet since making his initial post, which, at the time of my writing this, seems to be his only post on T2W. His work now done, has he retired?

As weird as it does sound, and I know it sounds weird(I'm a member of car forums and we've had out fair share of laughs at threads that seem to have a troll with one post and another poster seemingly comes out of the woodwork) I don't even know who spencer is. I'll re-iterate that I only posted to bring up an alternative to teachers and trategies that don't work. Not a marketing scheme. Trust me, I've seen enough shoot-self-in-foot threads that I understand how embarrassing it is.

Is he your neighbour on the other side? What is this - Trader's Alley?

Break on through to the other side?

Now that's something we can agree on.
At least we have some understanding.

Like my technique? Less work. Much easier eh.

Oh and because I'd like to share it with you folks, check out this video for yourself.

Just a piece of information, unlike other teachers, Simon makes calls and trades in the room with his students, and also the students interact with him. So no smoke and mirrors.

It's unfortunate that there has been a bad taste left in peoples mouths about teachers. Makes it harder for the honest ones to offer real help.

Marketing is a thankless job. Wow.
good thread, bad thread title.

Black Swan

are all right.

there is a lot of nonsense but anyone with half a brain knows the real answer.
Ninja Trader - well done! I particularly like your comment about Dr Johnson. You show that uppity MM with his knowledge and showing off and that.
Thank you maiden for your sarcasm. I think you broke my sarcasm meter. So I'm having to send it in for repairs. Care to cover the costs?
Thank you maiden for your sarcasm. I think you broke my sarcasm meter. So I'm having to send it in for repairs. Care to cover the costs?

I'm sorry to hear that I have been the cause of the demise of your sarcasm meter. Whilst it's on the fritz, here are some suggestions for other people whose wisdom you can loftily dismiss:

William Shakespeare
Blaise Pascal

They're just like, so whatever.

Moving on 🙂, I must regretfully decline your kind invitation to contribute to your new sarcasm meter fund. Surely you can afford to replace with the very latest model, using the profits you will shortly be generating from following Simon 😀?
This link is about patterns. I thought you were a mechanical/systematic trader. Or do you use patterns for those years when you can't get data, like 2008 and 2009?

Can I ask why you feel the need to spread your "knowledge" when you know absolutely nothing at all?