I agree with some of TD's points, once I moved back up to (and have stayed) with swing trading forex I realised I could easily manage trades (across up to 9 pairs) and do other things. That curiosity naturally extended to what other new trading related projects could I start up or be involved with..I'm involved with 2 that have a point of difference in what can be a very crowded marketplace complimenting my full time swing trading *job*..
I'd also like to explore/discuss what I believe to be a long standing and embedded trading myth in relation to this Gollum style protection of the precious Holy Grail strategy and why folk wouldn't give it up once found.
We all know of the site forex strats revealed, I pointed the guys on the net trap thread to it a couple of weeks back. Each one of those strats *work*, but you could find/create the holy grail (which does exist, in you) and folk would still 'mess it up'.
The thought that everyone in the 3 tril T/O per day forex market place could and would suddenly follow a single winning strat. is nonsense, which is why folk can continue to create their harmless marketing packages and gimmicks for $200 at will. Even If 10,000 stuck to it like glue the forex world would not go tits up.
Millions of traders will buy sell on zero MACD, millions will trade on a slow MA crossing a faster EMA, millions will use Bollies, PA, RSI crossing 70 or 30, pivots and S&R all on 1 min TFs right up to dailys/weeklys. it matters not a jot to the market, it's too vast and very diverse. The market would not be *moved* if 10,000 folk bought (and used) the same holy grail strat., it'll never move the market unless they all hit really big. The only issue could be if 10,000 spreadbetters suddenly all took the exact same trade at, for example, capital spreads, they wouldn't get filled.
I have a winning edge, but heh it works only for me. For now ( I and it will evolve) it appears to be a perfect fit for me in terms of my; psyche, the dedication I have given towards this new career and my overall skill set as a human being. My edge does not just have at its core "buy here, sell there", the discretion is huge so there's the first point at which my edge could not be *bottled*.
Also, and I'm generalising before anyone jumps up and says "I did" you cannot and will not over make decent money doing this job part time. Unless you are prepared to give up the day job and embrace trading as a life style full time occupation you will never 'make it'. Sorry to say but that's the reality and that's were most fail right there and no amount of teaching and or holy grail of strats. will change that. You will not suddenly hand in your notice because your night owl trading has overtaken your day job in terms of income..
Again as a reference take a look at the Net Trap thread as the childish enthusiasm begins to wain. Are these the guys who will take a net book out with them and fire it up once they've finished a work out? Are these the guys that'll check price at 1am and every waking hour/half hour? Will they plan their whole existence around trading? Will they watch thousands of trading vids, read countless trading newsletters, e-mails, discuss ask questions on various forums each day, visit 20+ different trading sites each day to keep up to speed, or spend half an hour having a mind dump on T2W before getting off and spending time with the kids? 😉
In summary for the thread starter to suggest all systems are crap is nonsense, as stated each one of those forex strats. revealed methods could work, in the right hands, systems fail, but humans fail more...