I am new to trading...any advice would be greatly welcomed!

Good afternoon...My name is Eldon and I am new to trading. I want to learn how to effectively day trade and it would be good to have a mentor?
Any advice where to start would be greatly welcomed.
My advice to you would be only to use a practice account like Trading212. Never use a real money account until you make a good profit on your practice account.
My advice to you would be only to use a practice account like Trading212. Never use a real money account until you make a good profit on your practice account.
I completely agree with this advice. Until you have error-free trades on a demo account, you shouldn't even try to get into a real money account.
My greatest advice would be to not listen to any advice first. Don't read books, don't listen to anybody. Just open any trading software and look at charts, and then try to find specific knowledge, google it. Ask every question you have on your mind and try to see if this searched knowledge is matching your research of past chart data. If it does, then look deeper if not, then discard it, and ask questions, again after that verify it on the charts. Never pay for any courses at first, or any books, just pure charts and your own research. Most of the knowledge is for free anyway. If you exhaust your research and see that you cannot go further, then try to find some good books or videos. Never listen to most YouTubers who are pumping crypto charts. That's it, you will find a way! Good luck and good work!
From my personal experience keep yourself updated about the market, make a plan and stick to it and do not get swayed away by your emotions.