I almost got it...

Hi Bramble,

Nice of you to join the fun. I always enjoy your posts.
Then why didn't you vote for me you bast!ard!!!!

We're on the subject of Worldspreads' introduction of the "first ever bet on the future of a currency": a bet on how many days the Euro will survive in the countdown to Eurogeddon and the implications for the contrarian trader. (which so far are looking pretty good)

That's the 4th box down on the website.

Unfortunately, Dion and Black Swan have difficulty counting and seem to think we're going on about the £300 Cashback offer 🙂

But don't let that bother you.

SBing isn’t my area I’m afraid as it’s not tax free where I am, so I don’t have anything to add on that score. As for Eurogeddon itself, the consequences are significant, obviously and there are a number of scenarios. Most of which leave Germany and France still using it – in one form or another. So not quite time yet to cross out the EUR and put CNY as reserve currency. Years rather than months or weeks.

If you were asking for my thoughts on vendor issues, my gunslinger days facing vendors at High Noon on principle are long gone.

There is a difference between those who are out to simply scam and rip off the newbies and those who are genuine and make a positive contribution to this site while also offering some form of product or service. These two categories are typically very easy to tell apart and the former are thankfully short-lived phenomenon on this site.

I used not to make such discrimination and that was a failing on my part.

I wasn’t around when you made the transition to being a vendor Tom so can’t comment on the situation or issues that you have with other members. That’s their business and yours.

I’d simply recommend to all newbies: Judge everyone’s posts in the same way. Useful/Not useful. And there are very few that make just the one type of post, so don’t write anyone off completely (which is why NT isn’t on ignore – I live in hope). And if someone if offering a product or service, make it your personal responsibility for due diligence in assessing the value of that product or service to you at your current state of play. What’s worked for one bod at one point in time may not work for another at a different point in their trading development, so other’s recommendations/accusations should be accorded the same degree of diligence.
There is a difference between those who are out to simply scam and rip off the newbies and those who are genuine and make a positive contribution to this site while also offering some form of product or service. These two categories are typically very easy to tell apart and the former are thankfully short-lived phenomenon on this site.

Then there are those which are honest, but have nothing useful to contribute.

The world spreads thing is also how long until one country declares that it is leaving, or something along those lines.
Then why didn't you vote for me you bast!ard!!!!

I didn't vote for you because I was busy bribing everyone I know with a free cash offer. Unfortunately all I got was the sodding silver award and even that cost me dearly.

If you were asking for my thoughts on vendor issues, my gunslinger days facing vendors at High Noon on principle are long gone.

That's a shame. I thought you were a trend follower?

I wasn’t around when you made the transition to being a vendor Tom so can’t comment on the situation or issues that you have with other members. That’s their business and yours.

Oh Bramble, how can you be so apathetic? It is all of our business to protect the newbies from these vendors.
They are all parasites that no one has respect for.

Hi, Mr Charts. I hope you choke on your gold award.
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Hi, Mr Charts. I hope you choke on your gold award.
Richard can't come to the screen at the moment as he's with the rest of my students finishing the Day-2 AM exercise, "Why Markets May, Or May Not Be Random" which is part of my globally acclaimed "How to Make A Lot of Muney Trading Whipsaws" course.

Sh!t...I'm busted....
Richard can't come to the screen at the moment as he's with the rest of my students finishing the Day-2 AM exercise, "Why Markets May, Or May Not Be Random" which is part of my globally acclaimed "How to Make A Lot of Muney Trading Whipsaws" course.

Sh!t...I'm busted....

Well wish him all the best. I can't actually come to the screen either. I had to shut my room down this morning after one of my female members launched a sexual harrassment case against me for illustrating how she could use my pin bar.
Well wish him all the best. I can't actually come to the screen either. I had to shut my room down this morning after one of my female members launched a sexual harrassment case against me for illustrating how she could use my pin bar.
elitejets told us your pinbar was head and shoulders above the rest.
AHA !- so, now you have found religion ( I thought the Flagellists were a defunt sect)?


You act like I've just found it.

What else do you think gets me out of the sh*t when I've got no stop and I'm heavily offisde other than a belief in God?
t2w has been distinctly "edgy" the last few weeks, and I'm not referring to positive expectancy. The humour is cutting and Gervais-esque.

Too much testosterone, too little market activity.

Yes, in what was about my 3rd post in after an absence of about 5 months, just feeling my way back like, and I got into a fight. That's not the T2W I knew and loved. Well, knew anyway 😆

Speaking of cutting humour, I'm just reading Stewart Lee's "How I escaped my certain fate". If you've seen him live or on TV or DVD, you would appreciate it, and if not, it might make you go and see him out of curiosity. The 2nd BBC series is currently being shot, as I understand it. He says that Gervais credited him as an influence. (Don't think the Stew would do award ceremonies though).
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What the f**k is this thread about anyhow? Some guy almost got it? Got what? The clap off a two dollar whore?

Jesus Christ I'm drunk.