Humble daytrading journal


Greetings from Europe !

Today is going to be my first day of trading on a real money account, as i've tried paper trading for 3-4 months for now and it was OK. So, it is time to move further.
I aim to daytrade US equities and to post every day my entries/exits and comment on it. From one point, it will help me to develop my trading skills, from another point it will either entertain people or make them feel sorry for me, we will see 😀
My account is over pdt rule, however, the money i would like to risk isn't that much, i would say it is a tiny sum of 3-4k$. I give myself about 3 months of trading with 1k$ risk on each month. Therefore my # of shares is pretty low and i'll try not to overtrade in order to keep my commissions tight.
It seems like that's it for first post.

I appreciate any feedback, comment or even support 🙂

ps. well, as there is going to be "National Mourning for George H.W. Bush", then we'll start tomorrow.
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Sorry everyone of misleading, i was sick and therefore nothing happened. Today i'm also sick, but it is much better and therefore i took few trades. I guess.. newcomers are simply lucky ones 😀

traded 1800 shares.
avg. +0,59$ per 1 share.


1) Pitty #1

2) Pitty #2

But i'm ok to take that money.
Still lucky... but less lucky 😀

traded 2000 shares.
avg. +0,20$ per 1 share.


1) pitty #1


Yeah, i'm scarred as always when it goes against me, because i need to preserve my tiny 3-4k$...
Hard day as nothing was good for trade (for me). As a result - i think it is overtraded.

traded 2200 shares.
avg. +0,03$ per 1 share.


1) EXTREME pitty #1 (I was trying to get it TWICE, Carl, TWICE !!!!)


Okay, at the end of the day it is daytrading and i've made some 20$ net. Green 🙂
A huge overtrading! 🙁 suddenly i took 300 shares instead of 100 - platform bug.. exited immediately on $dal So, it is 3000 sh - 600 = 2400 today's trading, but unfortunately yes... it is overtrading when you pay about 25% from your gross as commission... about to be flat day.

traded 3000 shares.
avg. +0,06$ per 1 share.

FFFFcuk 🙁 bad decisions... and emotions arrived. Thanks there are gonna be 2 "day-offs" to calm down.

But. i am happy to finish first week on real account with some profit.

traded 4800 shares.
avg. +0,01$ per 1 share.


Week #50 +880,58 $ Commissions about 130 $ , so net profit +750 $ (+18,7% on my account)
Let's move further !