Provider means here:the trader behind the darwin ,not the company.For uninitiated .the provider make money on the net performance of investors
Yes,it is sad that trader must protect his investors from irresponsible company's better600k of aum of winning investors than 1 million of break even investors beacoause of divergence.
Just as a joke!!! How an excellent trader can generate such kind of loss. Are there any cheat between HFD and Darwinex?
No cheat.Trader behind HFD entered personal psychological crisis and was kind enough to write a letter(mid July) in old official forum.So smart money had the chance to jump out in July,while the dumb money stayed and suffered what you can see.This is my presumtion?
You should ask that in some other thread in this forum or start a new thread.Besides Darwinex, do all you know any similar business model (copy trade + performance fee).
I have found "Etoro popular investor". But, it's not good as Darwinex.
Maybe you have forgotten the last part of Pivot discussion:I don't know,only company has true data on influence between new regime where darwins are supposed to trade with whole-sale conditions while trader is trading with retail conditions and company is compensated with new management fee.