How would you manage 100k?

Everyone keeps calling me HaloTrader so i don't see why you can't either!

I don't really understand why but 👍 Its all good.

I knew with total certainty you wouldn't give a straight yes or no.....................
so true

Agree bangkokgee, KISS, I use a set up (from years of painstaking hardwork) to have a trading plan that works for me. It delieves the pips I require, limits the losses I experience. Whether or not I were trading a £1k, £100K or £1m account, the system would be the same, it works for me, so why should I trade differently simply because I have a larger capital account, just got to stick to the plan, doesn't make sense to do anything other to . Just my 2 penneth fwiw.
not saying its perfect,but it keeps me in business,i trade full time,and im still around, good mm is the key,made mistakes before,dont feel i can beat the market,but keeping the odds on my side,im still in the game,and i love it
not saying its perfect,but it keeps me in business,i trade full time,and im still around, good mm is the key,made mistakes before,dont feel i can beat the market,but keeping the odds on my side,im still in the game,and i love it

Yep, thats the nature of the business, and avoid being greedy, that also can kill you off very quickly, you can't beat the markets, befriend them and trade as they tell you (follow the trend), wait for a trend to develop and then get an entry. Discipline and MM skills will keep the odds on your side with a half decent system.