How to View Multiple Web Pages


Well-known member
Could someone please explain how i can view multiple web pages?
For example i would like to view sharescope- trade to win and prices from another site at the same time (and split my screen accordingly). I thought i could open , then minimise- then open another web site but as soon as the most recent web site appears on screen, the previous one disappears.
If you are using IE then do the following to create a new window for each web page you wish to view
in IE go to File,New, Window and click on this. A new window will open on the same website as the one you were first viewing. Then in that window go to the second site you want to view.

Resize them both and right click on the the windows taskbar at the base of your screen and then tile the two windows horizontally or vertically as you wish. This process can be repeated ontil you run ourt of screen real estate and you can of course minimise webpages you temporarily don't want. You will get a taskbar for IE showing a label for each window and just click on this to raisethe ones you want to get back. You can size as necessary to view with S/S. You may run out of memory if you open too many
Hope this helps
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Your'e an absolute star!- exactly what i wanted- works a treat- Many thanks.