Hi Lynn,
I know. The restaurant near us will cook me anything, not just "Western" Chinese.
I do cook myself quite a lot, but I am not in your league!
Anyway you are far too modest - you are an excellent cook.
Thanks for your kind wishes re-the symposium. Being a guest speaker together on the same platform with the likes of Larry Williams and Jake Bernstein should be an interesting experience.
I am determined those attending will learn very effective and profitable techniques from me.
I do think unwinding will come naturally as you become more experienced. When I started I used to dream of charts and my mind was extremely active for many hours afterwards. However, the more mechanical, or perhaps routine is a better word, your set ups, triggers and executions become, the less trading will spill over into the rest of your life and switching off becomes natural as it does in most jobs when the day is done.
Lynn, you just keep on going and it will all fall into place for you. You have the ability, the skill, the knowledge, the determination, the application to succeed. That's all you need. Trust me, it gets easier and easier ;-))
Kind wishes,