arabian what do you make of their ss and bor trades
Short Sterling we are May 21 - sell 10 Jun10 Sterling at 98.31, buy stop at 98.05
Euribor Jun 4 - sell 8 Jun10 Euribor at 98.43 , buy stop at 98.26
Euribor1Yr Jun 4 - buy 10 Sep9 Euribor/sell 10 Sep10 Euribor at .63 based on Jun10 Euribor 30min max
Euribor - Short Sterling Jun 4 - sell 6 Jun10 Euribor /buy 8 Jun10 Sterling at +.28
Sure thing... But why stop there? Let's have trade recommendations for stuff that's near and dear to your heart, Cap'n Arab. Specifically, I propose looking at EURIBOR/Lean Hogs spread. A lot of juice in that, methinks...But... but... you can trade basis and the 2/30yr view at the same time, if you have one of two highly specific viewpoints 😆