How To Think Correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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CYOF said:
For the Majority:

Have you not heard of the word PRINCIPLE?


CYOF, to be fair your statements don't exactly show much "principle" neither.

At first you began a journal, you then got pissed because people's reactions were not what you expected them to be. Then you opened a separate forum, which you later on closed.

Then you initiated the "How to think correctly" thread. Yesterday or 2 days ago (or something like that) you said you were going to stop posting. The next day you open a new thread part 2 (and 3).

Next to that your "eloquence" shows some remarkable contradictions, take one for example:

"...for as I have stated many times, I really know nothing about anything, and I want to stay that way, God forbid I should think that I actually know something."

"...for there are many things I know, that you do not know, ..."

Personally, I couldn't care less if you know "the truth", but if you wish to engage in a sensible discussion I do suggest you refrain from those insults ("ye are all fools") that really have nothing of any value to add rather than invigorate even more insults and useless comments.

You may well think I (or others) are fools, but I don't really see the point in blatantly screaming them to be fools...

Edit: I can understand that you might get frustrated, but taking it out on the moderators won't really help you... they only to their job.
CYOF said:
I will do the 4th ATTEMPT later on, when I get some time.

Advance warning then; a fourth attempt at reviving this pointless thread will result in a 7-day ban.

If you create any multiple nicks or access the site in any other way during that 7 day period (for example using someone else's account or email address), each nick/visit etc. will add one day to the ban and will result in the eventual permanent ban, stripping or removing off all existing posts and instant bans on any additional nicks that you create.

I would suggest taking a good long look at the way this has gone so far. Then you might be the one who learns something.
Somehow, Count Dracula and Renfield come to mind . . . 😱


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ian said:

frightening how reasonable that post is!

I was struck by the SMART comments - I made similar comments here on T2W. 😱

And his comments about "breaking goals into smaller chunks" was similar to what I PMed a member recently about defining strategies and setting milestones. 😱 😱

and he mentioned TA.
and "its a game of odds".

I had better stay off the guinness.

[strawberry fool]
trendie said:
frightening how reasonable that post is!

Inexperienced traders can often sound like experienced traders, but since all the former have to offer is what they've read or heard somewhere or been told, they eventually begin to fetch loose, like Dorian Gray. CYOF is a case in point.

You will be all glad to know that I am giving in to your wishes, and LouDean has told me to start a new thread, which, he believes, will be inundated, so, I will do as he says, as he is always right.
dbphoenix said:
Interesting that bertie and marcus haven't turned in their little green dots. :cheesy:

But then I never confused them with "Truth Seekers" . . .

I guess I was expecting more dignity and self respect from the site's most valuable member.

The spiral continues ever downwards. Since this seems to be exactly the level at which many members wish to participate I suppose you have indeed figured out exactly what the voting public wants.

“YOU are of course of no significance, whatsoever - you are a non entity.”

On what basis can you judge anyone or anything?

From someone who lacks originality, is intellectually barren, incapable of rational thought, cannot present nor develop a coherent argument, void of creativity, bereft of self-discipline and dignity, your criticism of myself is hardly a condemnation, is it?

What is your significance, CYOF?

sandpiper said:
I guess I was expecting more dignity and self respect from the site's most valuable member.

The spiral continues ever downwards. Since this seems to be exactly the level at which many members wish to participate I suppose you have indeed figured out exactly what the voting public wants.

Just defending myself, sp. I'm not esp good at the turning the other cheek thing.

As to being most valuable, hardly.
dbphoenix said:
Just defending myself, sp. I'm not esp good at the turning the other cheek thing.

As to being most valuable, hardly. i have posted once and havnt even mentioned you on this thread....kinda weird hey...but i dont see a problem anyway...i see us as one happy symbiotic family.

im happy cause i get liquidity from what you post,sharky must be rubbing his hands gleefully... cause you create the clicks he needs by keeping newbies in internal ignorance...and you must be in spinning cartwheels ...cause this allows you to sell your vendor.

ps.....your green block comment is equally foolish as i dont even many you do a day db?...very fact...forgotten how many times ive asked to be removed from the membership list.

now ,unlike you,i do actually trade and run a trading team,i must get back to running my business so that is me done for the year....and you must get back to your printing presses out cause printing ink tiz a bitch to get out.
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mr.marcus said: i have posted once and havnt even mentioned you on this thread....kinda weird hey...but i dont see a problem anyway...i see us as once happy symbiotic family.

im happy cause i get liquidity from what you post,sharky must be happy cause you create the clicks he needs by keeping people in internal ignorance...and you must be in happy land....cause this allows you to sell your vendor.

now i really must get back to running my trading business so that is me done for the year....and you have your printing presses to see out cause printing ink
tiz a bitch to get out.

No, but you've "mentioned" me on another, in your usual passive-aggressive guerilla way.

As for being "done" for the year, you've made more final appearances than Cher. Do it or don't do it. Who cares?

And as for the book, that it bothers you and bertie so much delights me no end. 🙂

But do please knock off the "blue" PMs, marco. They clutter up the mailbox.

rossored said:
Advance warning then; a fourth attempt at reviving this pointless thread will result in a 7-day ban.

If you create any multiple nicks or access the site in any other way during that 7 day period (for example using someone else's account or email address), each nick/visit etc. will add one day to the ban and will result in the eventual permanent ban, stripping or removing off all existing posts and instant bans on any additional nicks that you create.

I would suggest taking a good long look at the way this has gone so far. Then you might be the one who learns something.
Rossored, you are too harsh. You must rule as did Marcus Aurelius. Fair and just. Your posts are becoming too personal towards CYOF. Maybe you own T2W, I don't know, but from what I read CYOF is only providing his opinion. You may not like that but that is what democracy is about.

Profitaker said:
Never before, has so much crap, been posted, by so few, in the history of T2W.
Profitaker, you display your sloppy thinking in the trite comment you have just posted. I won't bother to explain why, you wouldn't understand.

Yours is the task of meek and unthinking subservience to The Thirty. You are the Grima Wormtongue of the Boards. Good luck my friend, but I can promise you that ours is the clear moral conscience. We may have a more onerous task, but it is the only way to the Truth.

You would be astounded at what can be achieved with Mastery. Astounded. That is all. I must attend to more important matters now.

starspacer said:
Rossored, you are too harsh. You must rule as did Marcus Aurelius. Fair and just. Your posts are becoming too personal towards CYOF. Maybe you own T2W, I don't know, but from what I read CYOF is only providing his opinion. You may not like that but that is what democracy is about.


Thankyou, SS - points noted. You ought to have my reply to your PM by now.
starspacer said:
Rossored, you are too harsh. You must rule as did Marcus Aurelius. Fair and just. Your posts are becoming too personal towards CYOF. Maybe you own T2W, I don't know, but from what I read CYOF is only providing his opinion. You may not like that but that is what democracy is about.


No more my good friend, for I too have been further enlightened by the few who know, and as for the rest, well, like Profittaker, as you rightly say, they are doomed to eternal ignorance.

They have been given a glimpse of the light, what the real Truth is all about, and I have even shown them a path to escape their ignorant world, but, as usual, they fail to THINK CORRECTLY, the biggest calamity that has affected mankind for generations, and, as it appears, will continue to do for many more to come.

I came to this site with a purpose, as with my visits to other sites, and my work must now be directed to a more fulfilling purpose, for, I have indeed been blessed with further enlightenment, which, as you well know, is what the journey is all about.

Fairwell my good friend, and thank you for your support, for many will never know the true meaning of the word.

The next phase has now begun - so I will leave with a final word for all:

"In order to see the light, you must first open your eyes"

I will drop in from time to time, to see if any TRUTH seekers have arrived, for they will indeed get guidance, for those of us that know, also know, that we must fulfil our purpose.
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