How To Think Correctly - 2nd ATTEMPT
Good morning all.
LouDean has asked me to start this thread, THE SECOND ATTEMPT, because he feels that many are been suppressed again, and he does not like that. He wants to speak:
“And just for clarity, I want to state that this thread is only for those who believe in the following:
1. History
2. Philosophy
3. Epistemology
4. Metaphysics
5. Metageometry
And even more importantly:
6. Thinking Correctly
And an absolute necessity:
7. Leprechauns
Now, before we start, there will be some changes.
CYOF will not spend as much time in posting, as he has other commitments for early 2007, some of which may benefit readers at a future date.
So, I am asking that others will pick up on a discussion point to keep it going with other members, and state their own views openly in relation to the subject in question, and not an off topic subject. Speak what is on your mind.
I have noticed that some members are intent on twisting things, and I, having magical powers, know the answer to why they behave this way, and I have already told CYOF about this, and he has already posted the relevant information which shows why this happens – so, no need to repeat again.
So, if you want to discuss “How to not think correctly” and why anyone would want to do this is just beyond belief, then you know where you will be accommodated 😱
If you want to discuss trading methods, then there are many threads for that also, but a word of caution, always look for an alternative motive, as you, will, some of the time, find one. :idea:
And that is about it for now, so you now have the option to partake, if you so desire, but if you have the intent to gather and disrupt, then you are not welcome here, at all, but as they majority of us are believers in the Democratic Principles, you can of course say what you like, but just remember, all now know the true intention of this thread, so say what you like, as much as you like, and show what you really know.
And if it so happens that this thread is again shifted, to a location, that states it “has absolutely nothing to do with trading”, which must be the greatest lie of all time, then we will feel it our duty to start How To Think Correctly - 3rd ATTEMPT, and we will keep doing so for as long as it takes.”
Oh, I nearly forgot, LouDean wants me to include his signature along with mine, so I will do as he asks.
And please, no stars or green dots, for as I have stated many times, I really know nothing about anything, and I want to stay that way, God forbid I should think that I actually know something.
Well, I did tell you he was a stubborn little fellow, did I not 😉