How to reach IG`s CS??


Active member
Is it me, or is it impossible to send a message to IG from withing your account?

Just tried for the first time in a while and have gone round in circles, am I missing something?

I am sure there used to be a easy quick `send us a message` option, now every `Contact Us` option leads back to the same place, a bunch of set questions none of which is of any use to me. Even when you hit one of those and then hit the `This does not answer my question..... Contact Us` it takes you back to the same place.

If they don`t want to deal with customers in this way, why not just say... `If none of these questions are relevant please telephone us on.......` why have numerous `Contact Us` links that go nowhere.

or maybe I have just lost the plot.... 😀
Might be down to it being the weekend and them not accepting e-mails to avoid a backlog on Monday or they're possibly upgrading.? It was working fine when I used it on wednesday and I accessed it the same way you did, give it another shot on Monday, if it's the same then phone them and give em hell!
Did you manage to get it to work today, it's working ok for me.

The only way I have found is to type gobbledegook into the question box in the new help area and then you can enter a message, not as simple as it used to be.

Or is there another way?
Just checked again and The direct 'contact us' link doesn't work now, god knows what they're up to! The way you suggested works ok though.