IG ProRealTime


Junior member
Hi Folks,

I'm looking at going for a good scanner and I'm looking for some advice/insight into IG's ProRealTime scanner package.

I've used Finviz to set up decent/quick scans of the S&P500 and an easy option is using the 20/50day MA's above price but I'm looking for more specific settings/options to locate nice trends in progress or just starting by using a 10 day EMA or something like that (especially for UK stocks as Finviz only does US stocks).

Looking through the FTSE250 1 by 1 or trying to use a basic scanner that's free is not the best so this will really help my process in nailing down some good stocks.

There's a few posts about PRT's scanner on this thread: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-software/217834-coding-basics-prorealtime.html

It'd be very easy to write a scanner based on MA's

Hi Cbrads,

Thanks for the info, much appreciated!

So you obviously use this tool yourself, if I'm looking to go down the route of customised EMA's to find trends even if just as simple as a 10 day/20day/50day EMA above price for stocks ranging from £3 to £40, would you say it's worth getting the PRT?

I would highly recommend it and having now tried MT4, I know it's far superior. It's worth getting because (with IG) it's free - providing you place 4 trades a month, otherwise you pay £30/mth. 👍
I would highly recommend it and having now tried MT4, I know it's far superior. It's worth getting because (with IG) it's free - providing you place 4 trades a month, otherwise you pay £30/mth. 👍

Ok cool sounds like a plan then, I will activate and check it out when home tonight.

I will be covering the 4 trade minimum anyway so nothing to lose here I guess.

How simple are we talking to set up the 3 EMA's? 10 Daily/20 and 50? Also is it difficult to set something up on top of that by adding an additional parameter i.e. show any stocks that have had a big volume increase over the stocks 60 day average?

It's a very simple point and click exercise, just follow the guide I made. Will be happy to assist if you encounter any problems - good content for my thread!

Best of luck