Well, let's hear the joke!
Don't tell me! You know some , or are yourself, a professional trader and butter would not melt in their mouths. 🙂
Maybe the book has painted professional traders badly but no-one has sued the guy and one has to believe someone. Michael Lewis is a person who was a trader, himself (so he professes) like many who profess to be on here. Heaven alone knows what goes on on panic days.
The joke mate?, come on... Some years ago i went to a curse, it was not about trading, to Mexico City, it was interesting but at some time, the speaker change the subject. He started saying "these kind of professional suffer, and HE is willing to do it, likes hard, very hard working periods and most of the times he gots nothing back, lives with too small ammounts of money....", i standed from my chair and left the place.
If i will do something that from the very beggining i know it will fail, then i will not waste my time.
I´ve been trading for some years and i can say it took me long to be profitable. I have seen panic days and trendless days as well at most of the pairs, i am not a mentallist - as anyone here - but i know if i stick to my method - intraday - i will win and i am very well aware that things can go bad anytime so i am also aware that at some time i may be forced to take some losses, if normally i win to take an eventual loss doesnt bother me at all.
Regarding to be a professional or not..., that is another issue. Noone is really a professional untill he can claim he knows it all but the markets are so dynamic that you never do.
I dont remember these guys name at the moment, maybe some physicist arround can tell us, but for example the guy who originally described and proved quarks existence was not a physicist he was a mathematician and most physicists were jeallous with hem saying he was only a "mathematician", honestly who cares what profession he had if after all he was rigth?.
My point is - and i hope you didnt took my comment at a bad way - if someone wins - despite hes personal history and development - then hes doing something good, why dont we hear what he does instead try to missqualify just because the theory does?.
Someone - as many people arround have - said why do you trade if 80% of traders lose, 15% make a living and only 5% are rich?, well since we - you, me and everyone else here - were born we were statiscally condemned to pooberty since 80% of world population lives in pooberty, 15 - 16% belong to middle classes and only 5% are rich or superrich, since we are here we have to make an effort for something, at least i believe people arround the trading arena are not those kind of guys who spend their saturday´s afternoon drinking beer at the sofa, watching footbal or some other stuff.