how to live free, can we do it?


HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE : i am proposing an idea and see how it would work or not. doesnt matter you are in business or employment or unemployed, we all face the same thing. which is money. with money there is issue with having enough or not, rich and poor, healthcare, education, welfrare, benefits, etc etc.. thats all what the gov and politician keeps talking about but yet not interested to solve anything.

suppose everyone is given a choice, what would you propose in order to solve the problem? heres what i will do, whats important in life is actually a few things, it is electricity, water, food, shelter, healthcare and education

i know everyone hates paying electricity bill, what we actually need to do is identify several criteria that generate electricity to the people, im not talking about green energy it doesnt matter. suppose, in a country we are dependent on coal to generate electricity, what actually need to identify so that everyone gets free electricity is we need to own the land which has coal, the next is own the coal mining factory, own the coal processing, own the construction company that build the power plant, own supplier that builds the national grid, etc.. all from top to bottom of the chain.

if the case i mentioned everything is owned by single entity why it would make sense we need to pay for electricity again? i know there are people always say company needs profit and have maintainence, the actual problem is not money, but the infrastructure design from top to bottom either is most efficient or not, and the quality of material used either last for a long time etc, then if it indeed requires human labour, we implement automation to get rid of manpower.

what we see here is we'll get entire electricity infrastructure in a country fully automated and maintainence less. we owned the whole thing and it will no need require any customer or people to pay for electricity. repeat the same thing on water, food, shelter, healthcare, and education sector, could we have live free? can we do it?

frequently asked question

Question : What happen to humans if all the productions can get rid of manpower? The world will be run by automatic systems and we will be kicked out. This doesn't sound like freedom.

Answer : you & everyone else is owner of this automated production, who is kicking you out? last time ive checked its not freedom when everybody needs to foot their bills..

Question : No..... for example someone will have to pay for the upkeep of this infrastructure therefore it's never 'free'. Nice idea but the devil is in the detail and it's totally unrealistic imo. People don't do things for nothing in this world, the human mindset is evolved to think of #1 first and there's very few people (if any) in the world that are 100% selfless.....therefore someone somewhere will always lose out with ideas reliant on community participation.

Answer : i already said, need of maintainence or upkeep is matter of infrastructure design & engineering method. we need to remove those inefficiency and the goal is maintanence less and full automation, nobody needs to bother with this infrastructure later because it is self running and nobody needs to pay for it later. and why people wont participate in this kind of idea? werent theres plenty of people hate about keep doing the same job/thing over and over again? the real job suppose to get it done so that we dont have to do it again not otherwise
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can we do it? yes.
you grow your own food. catch your own food.
get your own clean water. build your own house.

you get everything for "nothing".
but its not free, as you spend all your waking hours just staying fed and clothed.
and when winter sets in, cut down your own trees and burn them.

the moment you start communities, you create obligations.
that is no bad thing.

no-one is truly free. we are all interdependent.
stop fooling yourself there is anything such thing as freedom.
if it were not for medicine, I reckon 60%+ of us wouldn't be here.
stop trying to screw those who got you here through health, education, police, and electricity.
show some appreciation.
and ensure you give back and ensure the next generation have something to look forward to.
and do it without expecting any kind of reward.
you grow your own food. catch your own food.
get your own clean water. build your own house.

why bother doing it myself if we already have technology to provide all that?

you get everything for "nothing".
but its not free, as you spend all your waking hours just staying fed and clothed.
and when winter sets in, cut down your own trees and burn them.

i didnt suggest everything is free

the moment you start communities, you create obligations.
that is no bad thing.

no-one is truly free. we are all interdependent.
stop fooling yourself there is anything such thing as freedom.
if it were not for medicine, I reckon 60%+ of us wouldn't be here.
stop trying to screw those who got you here through health, education, police, and electricity.
show some appreciation.
and ensure you give back and ensure the next generation have something to look forward to.
and do it without expecting any kind of reward.

i dunno what crap u are talking about, free energy actually reduces the health, education & police expense, and more people can afford it.

suppose if i dont show any appreciation i would have suggest everything should be privatized instead of commonly owned.

energy = private
water = private
food = private
shelter = private
healthcare = private
education = private
transportation = private
government = private
garden = private
swimming pool = private
gym = private
etc... private

see if the price to access those could be cheap and affordable.. 😆
why bother doing it myself if we already have technology to provide all that?

i didnt suggest everything is free

i dunno what crap u are talking about, free energy actually reduces the health, education & police expense, and more people can afford it.

suppose if i dont show any appreciation i would have suggest everything should be privatized instead of commonly owned.

energy = private
water = private
food = private
shelter = private
healthcare = private
education = private
transportation = private
government = private
garden = private
swimming pool = private
gym = private
etc... private

see if the price to access those could be cheap and affordable.. 😆

Listen up m8, the sooner you realise that there's no free lunch in this world the better. I didn't fund (via considerable taxes) your free upbringing thus far for you to repay me with woolly hippy thinking. Best you get on that treadmill and pay lots of taxes son cos one day I will need to be paid a pension and guess who's going to be paying for it, yeah that's right, you are! and in just the same way that i'm paying for the elders pensions now.

Have a nice day 😆
I wish the goverment would stop telling me what to do

Pay your Taxes
Pay your bills
Take you tablets....or your back in Jail (oops)

Listen up m8, the sooner you realise that there's no free lunch in this world the better. I didn't fund (via considerable taxes) your free upbringing thus far for you to repay me with woolly hippy thinking. Best you get on that treadmill and pay lots of taxes son cos one day I will need to be paid a pension and guess who's going to be paying for it, yeah that's right, you are! and in just the same way that i'm paying for the elders pensions now.

Have a nice day 😆

why u have to pay the automated system instead of everyone can own it?
why u have to pay the automated system instead of everyone can own it?

FFS......The literacy and comprehension aspect of your education (free or otherwise) has clearly failed you judging by the botched attempt, above, of conveying an idea or setting out a question👎