How to go about raising cash?

Any ideas please?

How about starting a white label spreadbet company?

Or getting a paper round.

I'm sure that's what Sralan Lord SugarDaddy did.

(before he borrowed 500 quid off his Mum, bought some dodgy gear dahn the market, flogged it on to some right stoopid tössers, and told the newsagent wot 'e could do wiv 'is fakkin' paper rahnd. Know wot I mean dahlin'?)
Send me your bank account details and I will deposit the monies. Failing that, get a loan?
Hi folks.
Problem: need GBP10k to get back on my day-trading feet.

What i can offer is the painstaking work of sitting down and doing the trading for often many hours a day and, of course, full training in use of the system if required.


Probably, if you can show validity to your method.... a prop shop will back you.
Hi folks.

The proposal: GBP10k would be split over two sb accounts and traded daily between 0700 London time and 1600 NY time until certain daily targets have been hit. Typical daily target is 3% return. Expect loss of 3-4% one day every two weeks.

Hi again Scumbo,

I can't be bothered to work it out properly, but just as a rough calculation say you average out 2.5% a day, you compound, and say you start with just a grand. You would have your 10k in less than 100 trading days. You can work out where it goes from there. Why would you want to share 50%?

I still want to help you though. Take yourself a piece of this my friend:

Great news, Marge! I've discovered a wheelbarrow full of used fifties under the stairs. Unfortunately, it has a flat tyre. I don't want to put my back out, but it's yours if you don't mind a bit of lifting.
Have you seen the new joke going around everywhere on that 'tinterweb?

Why is Marge Inkle like a broken Hoover?

They both suck real bad!

Take that, would-be trickster.

By the way,

OK...if you can't raise 10 grand, from you own resources, without resorting to borrowing, (or as you call it "raising cash" LOL) then your fooked..hope that helps...😀
If you want to raise cash the easy way,...learn how to fkin' trade !
Honestly, do folk get away with it,.....I need some money to start trading "again",..LOL,..frickin' priceless,...
Tell you what,..I'll get a contract written up,..I'll lend you ten grand,..and I'll own you for the rest of your miserable life!😈
Apologies, I was a bit hasty with my reply to this last night and didn't fully explain what I actually meant; firstly, you don't need 10K to trade, you certainly don't need 10K to prove that your strat/yourMM/your disciplined approach can work. If nec. I could regularly make (on average) 100 quid a day from a 5k account, yes it's not fireworks but it'll still get you average wage and if you don't touch that money and use very small compounding leverage it could reach your target in months. You could actually make a good fist of it with 2-3K, perhaps risking 2% per trade..bottom line there is no excuse such as "I havn't got enough money" to begin trading (moderately) successfully...if my world ended and I had to stoop down and pick up the broken sticks and start again I could make a wage out of that kind of money, it'd be *tough* but heh, I know guys who dig graves for minimum wage, we've got it easy..

There are very few genuine reasons folk ask for money for backing projects, here's one; you have what you and others are convinced is a bullet proof plan (that confidence in the overall plan is even better if it's asserted by your potential clients). You can put in the seed capital but you know that you can't possibly do all the work yourself to bring the plan to fruition, therefore you look for co-directors and or investors with the same interest/expertise to make it happen, you feel a little bit sore and you do it through gritted teeth realising that you have to sacrifice equity cheaply in order to get it moving...
firstly, you don't need 10K to trade, you certainly don't need 10K to prove that your strat/yourMM/your disciplined approach can work. If nec. I could regularly make (on average) 100 quid a day from a 5k account, yes it's not fireworks but it'll still get you average wage and if you don't touch that money and use very small compounding leverage it could reach your target in months. You could actually make a good fist of it with 2-3K, perhaps risking 2% per trade..bottom line there is no excuse such as "I havn't got enough money" to begin trading (moderately) successfully...if my world ended and I had to stoop down and pick up the broken sticks and start again I could make a wage out of that kind of money, it'd be *tough* but heh, I know guys who dig graves for minimum wage, we've got it easy..

So true, so true ......

I've always thought that independence of thought and self-reliance are essential qualities of a successful trader.
There would be a way to make this work perfectly simply.
You don't need to have control of the money side ( accounts ) you could simply have access to another traders accounts.
The onus is then shifted for them to pay you out of profits...lets say 1 month in arrears.

This would be much more acceptable then posting begging letters in the forums. 🙂

Hi folks,

Just wanted to say thanks to (almost) all for responses, but particularly to counter_violent - managing others' accounts was the way to go.


(Sent from a chilly UK. Heading back south soon.)